Saturday 29 November 2014

Suspected rapist of 16-year-old mother arrested, begs for mercy

Thirty-three-year old Ugochukwu Okparanta, a trader who allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl living with him and got her pregnant, has been arrested by policemen from the Shasha Police Division, Akowonjo, Lagos. Saturday PUNCH’s report on the case on November 14, 2014 chronicled the account of 16- year-old Gloria (not real name) on a sexual abuse which she alleged took place over the course of four years when she was living with Okparanta. She eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy in September. The trader was arrested following a report by the child rights activist handling the case, Mrs. Esther Ogwu, on Tuesday. He was released on bail the following day. Okparanta at his arrest begged the girl’s family for mercy, promising to take care of the young mother and her child. “Please, forgive me,” he said. “I admit that I am responsible for the pregnancy. But I can assure you that I will pay N40,000 every month to take care of the child.” Okparanta whose relations joined him in appealing for leniency, said what he did was truly bad but that they would ensure he takes full responsibility for the child and mother. Okparanta made a statement at the police station, He also signed an agreement that he would not default in paying the agreed money monthly. However, Ogwu, said the agreement he had signed with the police was not enough to let him off the hook. She said, “He still has a case to answer with the office of public defender. If he has signed an agreement at the police station, he still has to sign another at the OPD. “At the moment, we are concerned about the upkeep of the baby, but we cannot determine who would take custody of the child until OPD takes a decision on it. But I think the family of the girl are going to be in charge of the child for now.” The Divisional Crime Officer at Shasha, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said the sum of N480,000, representing the agreed monetary support for the next one year had been paid to Gloria’s family. “That is their wish. Whatever was paid to the family has nothing to do with us. We would never handle any money on the family’s behalf. The family of the victim only called me on the phone to indicate that the man had paid for the next one year,” she said. Saturday PUNCH learnt that the police had decided to charge Okparanta to court but the family of the victim begged on behalf of the suspect to have the matter settled out of court. The OPD lawyer assigned to Gloria’s case, Mrs. Toun Akingboye, told our correspondent that whatever agreement reached with the police was not adequate. “If he has signed an undertaking with the police, he still needs to sign one in our office, which we will take to the court. That is to ensure that if he decides to default from whatever agreement is reached, he can be brought to book legally. “But at the moment, we will soon meet with both parties to ensure that the interest of the girl and her child is considered.

I’ll ride on Olamide’s success to be famous again –Lord of Ajasa

Once upon a time, Lord of Ajasa was one of the wave-making artistes in Nigeria with hits like Esa Lobade. But that was long time ago. These days, nothing much has been heard about the talented singer. Granted he has new singles which featured Olamide and Kinihun, the songs didn’t bring him back to the level he was before. In a chat with Saturday Beats recently, the rap artiste said he wants to use Olamide to get back to the top same way Olamide used him years ago when he was unknown. “It is normal because anybody can use anybody to climb to the top. When Olamide started his music career, he used me because I featured in one of his song and nobody knew him then. I was very popular then but I humbled myself and I helped him. That is the kind of person that I am. I feel that he is the one reigning in town now and people like him, so if I feature him on my album, it would be a good marketing strategy. I can use him to move up and be famous again,” he said. The dark-skinned artiste debunked rumours that he has any misunderstanding with Olamide, claiming that he is happy that he is successful. He said, “There is no ‘beef’ between me and Olamide. It is rumour mongers that create such news but the truth of the matter is that we don’t have any issue. In fact, we will soon shoot a video for the song we did together. We should have done it a while back but he has been busy performing at various shows within and outside the country. Why would I ‘beef’ him? It is his time and everybody has their own time. He did not do anything to me, so I cannot ‘beef’ him. Instead, I am celebrating him as he has become successful.”

Man shoots woman, himself at US store

A bustling Nordstrom store packed with holiday shoppers became the scene of a deadly shooting Friday night when a man shot a woman and then himself, Chicago officials said. Panicked Black Friday shoppers bolted when gunfire rang out in the crowded store. The gunman entered the store and targeted “his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend” on the second floor, according to John Escalante, the Chicago police chief of detectives. The man died and the woman was critically injured, said spokesman Larry Langford of the Chicago Fire Department. The woman, a seasonal employee at the store, was taken to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The gunman died at the scene. “I’m a big guy, and people were knocking me over,” shopper Scott Balloch told CNN affiliate WLS. “My feeling was just get the hell out of there.” Nordstrom said that store will remain closed until further notice, according to the affiliate.

BOKO HARAM: 120 killed in mosque bomb explosions

No fewer than 120 died and 270 were injured on Friday as the violent Boko Haram sect bombed the 10,000 capacity Kano Central Mosque where the Emir, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, usually leads prayers. About 10 gunmen went on a shooting spree after the blast at the mosque, which is close to the Emir of Kano’s palace. A rescue official, who spoke with Agence France- Presse, put casualty figures at almost 400, adding that 120 were killed and 270 hurt in the three explosions that rocked the mosque. The emir was said to have travelled to Saudi Arabia late on Thursday night from Paris. Witnesses said the incident happened just as residents were getting set for Friday prayers. “The attackers have bombed the mosque. I saw people screaming,” a local reporter who resides in Kano, Chijjani Usman, told Reuters. Another eyewitness told the British Broadcasting Corporation that he had counted over 50 bodies immediately after the blasts. Also, the Editor, BBC Hausa Service, Mansur Liman, was quoted as saying that people had witnessed “horrible” scenes in a nearby hospital. One eyewitness, who spoke with the BBC’s Focus on Africa, said, “The imam was about to start prayer when he saw somebody in a car trying to force himself into the mosque. But when people stopped him, he detonated the explosions. People started running helter-skelter.” Another worshipper, Aminu Abdullahi, who also spoke to AFP, said, “Two bombs exploded, one after the other, in the premises of the Grand Mosque seconds after the prayers had started.” “A third one went off in a nearby road close to the Qadiriyya Sufi order. The blasts were followed by gunshots by the police to scare off potential attacks.” His account was backed up by another witness, Hajara Tukur, who said she lives nearby. A senior rescue official confirmed that several bodies had been brought to just one Kano area hospital, while over 126 people had been admitted with injuries at three facilities. “Those figures are going to climb,” he told AFP on condition of anonymity, as he was not authorised to speak to the media. A military official, Capt. Ikechukwu Eze, also said scores of people were feared killed and many others injured in the attack. A check by one of our correspondents at the mortuaries of both the Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital and the Nasarawa Hospital in the heart of the city showed they were filled with bodies of victims of the blasts while some of them littered the ground. Meanwhile, two suspected bomber were said to have been arrested at the scene of the incident, just as youths took to the street to protest what they called negligence by the police for not doing enough to protect the lives and property of the people. The Kano State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, Mustapha Abubakar,confirmed the incident but declined to give the casualty. The emir had recently called for people to arm themselves against Islamist militant group Boko Haram. Earlier this month, the emir told a prayer meeting that people should “acquire what they need” to protect themselves. The Boko Haram terrorist group has killed more than 2,000 people this year, according to rights groups’ reports. The Kano blasts came after a bomb attack was also foiled at a mosque in Maiduguri on Friday morning; five days after two female suicide bombers killed over 45 people in the city. The Emir of Kano last week doubted the Nigerian troops’ ability to protect civilians and end the insurgency. This had prompted his advice to Kano residents to arm themselves against Boko Haram attacks. The Emir of Kano is an influential figure in Nigeria, which is home to more than 80 million Muslims, most of who live in the North. Boko Haram has repeatedly attacked Kano before. On November 14, a suicide bomb attack at a filling station killed six people, including three policemen. In Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, civilian vigilantes said they had discovered a suspected remote-controlled device planted in the Gamboru Market area of the city. It was successfully defused by the police bomb squad but as the bomb was being made safe, another device exploded nearby. There were no casualties, as the area had been cordoned off. “Our assumption is that the bombs were planted ahead of Friday prayers in the mosque just nearby,” civilian vigilante Babakura Adam said. “Of course, it is Boko Haram’s handiwork because in the last few days several arrests have been made of suspected female suicide bombers.” Adam said the arrests were made on Wednesday and Thursday. Fears have grown in Maiduguri about an upsurge in Boko Haram attacks, after the militant Islamists took over more than two dozen towns in Borno and two neighbouring states in recent months. Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday promised that the attackers would be held accountable. He spoke in a statement at the commissioning of the Federal High Court complex in Asaba, Delta state. The President, who spoke through the Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, commended the Chief Judge and other justices in the state for their support for government’s resolve to hold accountable all the perpetrators of terrorist acts across the country. He said the presence of a high court in virtually all the states of the federation was a good development as it would bring justice closer to the people. Jonathan said, “I have been duly informed that the practice directions issued by the court has contributed significantly to the reduction of trial delays and engendered speedy trial of terrorism and allied offences. “This is in tandem with this administration’s determined efforts to expand access to justice for the people and ensure that Nigerians are able to access the courts for the purposes of resolving their disputes.” The President also directed all security agencies in the country to launch what he called a full-scale investigation into the blast that occurred at the Central Mosque in Kano. He asked them to leave no stone unturned until all terror agents across the country are apprehended and prosecuted. Jonathan gave the directive in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, in which he described the Kano incident as a heinous attack. In the face of the attacks however, the President called on all Nigerians not to despair “in this moment of great trial in our nation’s history.” He asked them to remain united to confront the common enemy. He appealed to them to remain vigilant and cooperate with security agencies to win the on-going war against terror. The statement read, “President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan extends heartfelt condolences to the people and Government of Kano State over the heinous attack on the Central Mosque in Kano, earlier today. “He commiserates with all the families who lost their loved ones. The President calls on relief agencies and medical personnel to deploy every possible effort to assist the injured, and the general public to heed the call for the donation of blood by the hospitals where the injured are being treated. “The President has further directed the security agencies to launch a full-scale investigation and to leave no stone unturned until all agents of terror undermining the right of every citizen to life and dignity, are tracked down and brought to justice. “The President reaffirms that terrorism in all its forms and manifestation is a despicable and unjustifiable threat to our society. He reiterates the determination of the government to continue to take every step to put an end to the reprehensible acts of all groups and persons involved in acts of terrorism. “President Jonathan calls on all Nigerians not to despair in this moment of great trial in our nation’s history but to remain united to confront the common enemy. “The President is confident that no terrorist act against fellow citizens will destroy the Nigerian spirit to remain positive, resolute and united in the quest for lasting peace and security in the country. “He appeals to all Nigerians to remain vigilant and cooperate actively with our security agencies to win the on-going war against terror.” The Northern socio-cultural group, the Arewa Consultative Forum, described the attack as wicked, callous and barbaric. The ACF, through its National Publicity Secretary, Muhammad Ibrahim in Kaduna on Friday, said the group received the news of the blasts with shock and disbelief, adding that the several attacks in some part of the North in recent time were most disturbing. According to the ACF, the insecurity situation in the region is a clear manifestation of the Federal Government’s inability to protect the lives and property of Nigerians. The Forum, therefore, called on the Federal Government to deploy all its apparatus to areas that are being confronted with Boko Haram insurgency. A statement issued by the group read, “The Arewa Consultative Forum learnt with shock and disbelief the three bomb explosions that occurred in the Central Mosque near the Emir’s palace in Kano city. The bomb blast aimed at Muslims in the mosque that left many dead and scores of others injured was wicked, callous and barbaric. “The recent bomb explosions in Yola, Maiduguri, Azare, Kontagora and many other towns in the North coupled with the daily killing of innocent people by insurgents are very disturbing and worrisome. “This insecurity situation that has engulfed the North is a clear manifestation of Federal Government’s inability to protect the people as intelligence and equipment required to contain the situation appears lacking. “ACF urges the people of Kano in particular to exercise some restrain, remain calm and avoid taking the law into their hands or blamed innocent people that have lived with them peacefully. We equally call upon the people to unite and protect themselves through intelligence sharing with security agencies.” The ACF, however, appealed to the Kano State Government and other states rocked by bomb explosions in the last one week to provide free medical treatment to the injured victims.

Egypt court dismisses murder charges against Mubarak

An Egyptian court has thrown out a case against former President Hosni Mubarak for conspiring to murder protesters during the 2011 Egyptian revolution due to a technicality and lack of jurisdiction. Mubarak and his sons Alaa and Gamal were also cleared by Chief Judge Mahmoud Kamel al- Rashidi of corruption charges related to exporting gas to Israel. The same Cairo court acquitted Habib al-Adli, former Mubarak-era interior minister, and six senior security commanders of conspiracy to murder protesters. Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara said the trial was highly politicised and the verdict was “stunning”. “I am speechless,” he said. “Because the judge has told us not to discuss his verdict until we have examined the 1,430 page document.” “This is an arrogant attempt to make the Egyptian people feel sorry for coming out to the streets,” he added. “This is trying to retrieve the old Egypt and basically clear three decades of dictatorship. Basically we have everyone that has been in charge of the violence and corruption cleared of all charges, while in prison we have thousands of peaceful civil rights activists.” Mubarak, 86, had been accused along with the former police commanders of involvement in the killing of 846 demonstrators during the 2011 revolt that ended his three-decade rule. Only 239 of the deaths were considered by the court, the presiding judge said. An appeals court had overturned an initial life sentence for Mubarak in 2012 on a technicality. The new verdict was initially scheduled for September 27, but Judge Rashidi postponed it, saying he had not finished writing the reasoning after a retrial that saw thousands of case files presented.

Friday 28 November 2014

BOKO HARAM:Bombers kill 35, injure 150 in Kano mosque - Police

Deputy Commissioner of Police in the Kano State Police Command, Samuel Lemu, has said 35 persons were killed in the bomb explosion at the Kano Central Mosque on Friday. Lemu also confirmed that 150 others were injured in the blast, which occurred during the Jumat service on Friday at the mosque, which is a few metres away from the palace of the Emir of Kano. Details later…

Four dead in Egypt anti-government protest

At least four protesters have been killed and scores of others injured in the Egyptian capital as thousands took to the streets of Cairo against the government of President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, heeding to a call by the opposition Salafist Front. The protesters were killed after security forces opened fire in the district of Matrya in eastern Cairo, witnesses told Al Jazeera. The protests by the Salafist Front, a faction concentrated in parts of the Nile Delta, are being held at the same time as regular Friday demonstrations that have been held by supporters of the now banned Muslim Brotherhood since the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi. On its Facebook page, the Salafist Front has called for a “Muslim Youth Uprising” to “topple military rule in Egypt,” urging followers to “raise your Quran”. The protests are the first attempt in months to hold large demonstrations in the country. More than a 100 people were arrested ahead of the Salafist demonstrations. Meanwhile, two senior army officers were killed in seperate shooting incidents by unidentified assailants in Cairo. Two army conscripts were also injured. The attacks occurred despite heighened military and police presence in the captal in view of the latest demonstrations. At least four protesters have been killed and scores of others injured in the Egyptian capital as thousands took to the streets of Cairo against the government of President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, heeding to a call by the opposition Salafist Front. The protesters were killed after security forces opened fire in the district of Matrya in eastern Cairo, witnesses told Al Jazeera. The protests by the Salafist Front, a faction concentrated in parts of the Nile Delta, are being held at the same time as regular Friday demonstrations that have been held by supporters of the now banned Muslim Brotherhood since the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi. On its Facebook page, the Salafist Front has called for a “Muslim Youth Uprising” to “topple military rule in Egypt,” urging followers to “raise your Quran”. The protests are the first attempt in months to hold large demonstrations in the country. More than a 100 people were arrested ahead of the Salafist demonstrations. Meanwhile, two senior army officers were killed in seperate shooting incidents by unidentified assailants in Cairo. Two army conscripts were also injured. The attacks occurred despite heighened military and police presence in the captal in view of the latest demonstrations.

Four dead in Egypt anti-government protest

At least four protesters have been killed and scores of others injured in the Egyptian capital as thousands took to the streets of Cairo against the government of President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, heeding to a call by the opposition Salafist Front. The protesters were killed after security forces opened fire in the district of Matrya in eastern Cairo, witnesses told Al Jazeera. The protests by the Salafist Front, a faction concentrated in parts of the Nile Delta, are being held at the same time as regular Friday demonstrations that have been held by supporters of the now banned Muslim Brotherhood since the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi. On its Facebook page, the Salafist Front has called for a “Muslim Youth Uprising” to “topple military rule in Egypt,” urging followers to “raise your Quran”. The protests are the first attempt in months to hold large demonstrations in the country. More than a 100 people were arrested ahead of the Salafist demonstrations. Meanwhile, two senior army officers were killed in seperate shooting incidents by unidentified assailants in Cairo. Two army conscripts were also injured. The attacks occurred despite heighened military and police presence in the captal in view of the latest demonstrations. At least four protesters have been killed and scores of others injured in the Egyptian capital as thousands took to the streets of Cairo against the government of President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, heeding to a call by the opposition Salafist Front. The protesters were killed after security forces opened fire in the district of Matrya in eastern Cairo, witnesses told Al Jazeera. The protests by the Salafist Front, a faction concentrated in parts of the Nile Delta, are being held at the same time as regular Friday demonstrations that have been held by supporters of the now banned Muslim Brotherhood since the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi. On its Facebook page, the Salafist Front has called for a “Muslim Youth Uprising” to “topple military rule in Egypt,” urging followers to “raise your Quran”. The protests are the first attempt in months to hold large demonstrations in the country. More than a 100 people were arrested ahead of the Salafist demonstrations. Meanwhile, two senior army officers were killed in seperate shooting incidents by unidentified assailants in Cairo. Two army conscripts were also injured. The attacks occurred despite heighened military and police presence in the captal in view of the latest demonstrations.

Fayose blasts Obasanjo for attacking Jonathan

Ekiti State Governor, Mr. Ayo Fayose, on Friday attacked former President Olusegun Obasanjo for his criticism of President Goodluck Jonathan. Fayose spoke at the Yoruba Progress Summit, held at the Oduduwa Hall of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State. Fayose, who was impeached as the Ekiti State Governor in 2006 during the reign of Obasanjo as President, said the ex-president was corrupt and was not in a position to criticise Jonathan. The governor alleged that Obasanjo shared a huge amount of money to people he did not name during his attempt to go for a third term as the country’s number one citizen. He said, “If you give your blood to Obasanjo, he will not support you. He doesn’t want anybody with independent mind. “You (Jonathan) did not level Borno and Yobe the way he levelled Odi; for that, he will not like you. We know how he was when he came out of prison and how rich he was when he was leaving office.” Fayose said his wife, who predicted his return to power, had told him that Jonathan would win the 2015 poll.

BOKO HARAM AGAIN: Scores killed as bombers attack Kano Central mosque

Scores of people are feared dead in an explosion at the Kano Central Mosque on Friday. The bomb blast was said to have occurred around 2.30pm, near the Emir of Kano’s palace. Spokesman for the Joint Task Force, Capt Ikechukwu Eze, confirmed the blast

Your removal is legal, Ekiti ‘speaker’ tells Omirin

The Speaker of the Ekiti State House of Assembly, Dele Olugbemi, has said there is no illegality in last week’s removal of Dr. Adewale Omirin as the Speaker of the assembly. Olugbemi, who stated this in Ado-Ekiti on Thursday through his media aide, Mr. Femi Idoko, also said that the claim by the All Progressives Congress legislators that Governor Ayodele Fayose wanted to turn them to house boys was frivolous. He was reacting to the visit of the APC lawmakers to the Speaker of Osun State House of Assembly, Mr. Najeem Salam, where they described Omirin’s removal as illegal. Olugbemi said, “It is baffling that honourable members can start going about peddling falsehood. For the purpose of setting the records straight, the Ekiti State House of Assembly constitutionally and legally sat last Thursday and removed Omirin and elected a new set of leaders. “Our APC colleagues also lied by saying that Governor Ayo Fayose is behaving like an authoritarian leader in his dealings with them. The governor held a series of meetings with the members of the EKHA and I was privy to those meetings. “The governor nearly prostrated for us in some of the meetings, begging us on the need to put Ekiti State first in our considerations. Surprisingly, anytime we agreed to work for the growth of the state, our APC colleagues would change their minds when they got out of the venue. They are being tele-guided by their leaders in Lagos and Abuja. “To the APC lawmakers, Ekiti is not their first priority; their own first priority is APC. They are the ones who do not want the progress of the state. They are hell-bent on seeking vengeance for the defeat of their party in the June 21 governorship poll. “For us in the PDP, it is Ekiti first. But for them in the APC, it is the APC first. We cannot allow anybody or group to hold the state down and be a stumbling block to the progress of our dear state,” he said. Olugbemi advised the APC lawmakers to come back to Ekiti State and perform the constitutional roles they were elected for. He advised Omirin to note that he would be coming back to be a member of the assembly, not the Speaker, as the suit Omirin filed about his removal had not been determined.

Lagos police kill 78 robbers in one year

The Lagos State Police Command on Thursday presented crime statistics from November 2013 to October 2014, showing that about 78 robbers were gunned down by officers of the command. The statistics also showed that within the period, no fewer than eight cops were killed. The state Commissioner of Police, Kayode Aderanti, at the 8th Town Hall Meeting on Security on the Lagos Island, said the robbers and the police officers lost their lives in different shootouts between the police and the men of the underworld. He added, “But the police were able to arrest 423 armed robbers in the last one year, while 372 armed robbery incidents were foiled. Our men recovered 255 arms, 4, 043 ammunition and 560 stolen vehicles.” The Lagos police boss explained that 833 vehicles were stolen in Lagos in the last 12 months, adding that 358 vehicles were snatched by robbers at gunpoint, while 468 were stolen from where they were parked and seven others driven away. He said, “There were 68 armed robbery incidents in Lagos in the last 12 months, while 280 people were murdered in Lagos in the same period. The high cases of murder in the state were due to the activities of street gangsters and rivalry clash, motor transport unionism, thuggery, youthful exuberance, unemployment and politics. Speaking at the event organised by the Lagos State Security Trust Fund, Governor Babatunde Fashola, said the fund was for adequate security of residents. Fashola appealed to corporate bodies and individuals to continue to support the STF, saying any setback could have untold consequence. “There is more to be done. We have started some. We intend to provide modern patrol vehicles. We intend to undertake prison service reforms by building a 21st Century prison and we have completed the design. “We are also developing the investigative capacity of law enforcement through training and support, with the aim of providing them with forensic capabilities,” he said. Executive Secretary, STF, Fola Arthur-Worrey, said although the fund received fewer donations, it was still able to contribute significantly to the security machineries in the state.

63 senators back plan to impeach Jonathan

SIXTY- three senators as of Thursday have signed up to the plan to impeach President Goodluck Jonathan in the upper legislative chamber, The PUNCH learnt in Abuja. One of the arrowheads of the move to remove Jonathan in the Senate showed our correspondent the list containing the signatures of the senators. The source said eight Peoples Democratic Party senators were among the signatories to the planned impeachment notice. There are 109 members in the Senate. An All Progressives Congress senator from the North-West zone, who asked not to be named,told our correspondent that the lawmakers’ major grouse was the President’s handling of the economy and political affairs of the country. The senator cited poor implementation of the national budget since 2011, alleged high level of corruption and “gross disregard” of the legislature at both the federal and state levels as topping the list of lawmakers’ anger against Jonathan. Asked whether he realised that the process of impeachment could be tedious and cumbersome, the senator said, “ We know and we are prepared to show the President that we have responsibility to the people and the nation in general. “We are prepared to lay the impeachment notice anytime from next week. Meetings are already being held.” Senator Ibrahim Musa (APC Niger North) confirmed that there were moves by some members of the Senate to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President but failed to give details. “I think there is something like that but I don’t have the details, it is still coming as a rumour,” Musa said. But The PUNCH learnt that the impeachment move against the President had really gained momentum with the APC senators mobilising themselves to carry out the exercise anytime from next week. Investigations by our correspondent revealed that some PDP senators, who were initially at the forefront of the struggle, had retreated following the intervention of the senate leadership and the promise of automatic tickets by the party. It was learnt that the PDP senators had been pleading with their APC colleagues to hold on till next week pending the outcome of the moves by the senate leadership to ensure the realisation of the automatic tickets agreement they had with the PDP and Jonathan. An APC senator told our correspondent on condition of anonymity that the impeachment letter contains the signature of both the APC and PDP senators. He explained that the letter could not be laid on the floor of the senate because some PDP senators appealed to them to delay the action. He said, “The truth of the matter is that the impeachment notice would have been laid if not for our colleagues in the PDP who pleaded with us to delay the process pending when the senate leadership would come up with the result of its efforts at securing automatic tickets for them. “In any case the process had started but if we submit the letter now, the signatures of the PDP senators will be there and the party might want to use that as an excuse to deny them their automatic tickets.” The PDP senators contacted by our correspondent on the issue declined to make comment. However, one of them who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the process of impeachment had not been suspended.

63 senators back plan to impeach Jonathan

SIXTY- three senators as of Thursday have signed up to the plan to impeach President Goodluck Jonathan in the upper legislative chamber, The PUNCH learnt in Abuja. One of the arrowheads of the move to remove Jonathan in the Senate showed our correspondent the list containing the signatures of the senators. The source said eight Peoples Democratic Party senators were among the signatories to the planned impeachment notice. There are 109 members in the Senate. An All Progressives Congress senator from the North-West zone, who asked not to be named,told our correspondent that the lawmakers’ major grouse was the President’s handling of the economy and political affairs of the country. The senator cited poor implementation of the national budget since 2011, alleged high level of corruption and “gross disregard” of the legislature at both the federal and state levels as topping the list of lawmakers’ anger against Jonathan. Asked whether he realised that the process of impeachment could be tedious and cumbersome, the senator said, “ We know and we are prepared to show the President that we have responsibility to the people and the nation in general. “We are prepared to lay the impeachment notice anytime from next week. Meetings are already being held.” Senator Ibrahim Musa (APC Niger North) confirmed that there were moves by some members of the Senate to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President but failed to give details. “I think there is something like that but I don’t have the details, it is still coming as a rumour,” Musa said. But The PUNCH learnt that the impeachment move against the President had really gained momentum with the APC senators mobilising themselves to carry out the exercise anytime from next week. Investigations by our correspondent revealed that some PDP senators, who were initially at the forefront of the struggle, had retreated following the intervention of the senate leadership and the promise of automatic tickets by the party. It was learnt that the PDP senators had been pleading with their APC colleagues to hold on till next week pending the outcome of the moves by the senate leadership to ensure the realisation of the automatic tickets agreement they had with the PDP and Jonathan. An APC senator told our correspondent on condition of anonymity that the impeachment letter contains the signature of both the APC and PDP senators. He explained that the letter could not be laid on the floor of the senate because some PDP senators appealed to them to delay the action. He said, “The truth of the matter is that the impeachment notice would have been laid if not for our colleagues in the PDP who pleaded with us to delay the process pending when the senate leadership would come up with the result of its efforts at securing automatic tickets for them. “In any case the process had started but if we submit the letter now, the signatures of the PDP senators will be there and the party might want to use that as an excuse to deny them their automatic tickets.” The PDP senators contacted by our correspondent on the issue declined to make comment. However, one of them who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the process of impeachment had not been suspended.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Boko Haram: 35 feared dead in Adamawa roadside bombing

The explosion reportedly went off in the Mararaba-Mubi area of the state on Thursday, November 27, killing the victims instantly: A roadside bombing orchestrated by Boko Haram has claimed 35 lives in Adamawa State, according to reports. The explosion reportedly went off in the Mararaba-Mubi area of the state on Thursday, November 27, killing the victims instantly. According to a witness, a team of hunters and soldiers were patrolling the area when the bomb allegedly planted by the terrorists exploded. “My house is some metres from the scene of the incident. I stood outside my compound watching the suburb and all of a sudden, I heard a loud bang which shook the entire surroundings. The few people who were returning to the area started running away and the area was immediately cordoned off by the military,” the witness said. The Nigerian army is said to still be investigating the incident and no official casualty figure has been released. Mubi town was previously captured by Boko Haram but a coalition of local hunters and soldiers recovered the town from the insurgents.

Boko Haram: 30 terrorists killed in Borno

Heavily armed terrorists invaded the Gubio Local Government Area of the state but the attack was repelled by members of vigilante group, Civilian Joint Task Force (Civilian JTF): According to reports, about 30 members of Boko Haram have been killed in Borno State after a failed attack on Thursday, November 27. Heavily armed terrorists invaded the Gubio Local Government Area of the state but the attack was repelled by members of vigilante group, Civilian Joint Task Force (Civilian JTF). Members of the CJTF were reportedly informed of an impending attack on Gubio by good Samaritans who sighted the Boko Haram members in nearby Kareto. The vigilante group, on receiving this information, mobilized its members and succeeded in defeating the terrorists. The spokesman for the Borno Elders Forum, Bulama Gubio confirmed the incident saying: “There was huge success as 30 members of Boko Haram, who attempted to overrun Kareto, Gubio and other surrounding communities were killed by our youths. The areas are now calm as normal activities have since returned.” Residents of Gubio were earlier said to have fled the community after they received a letter from Boko Haram warning them of a planned attack.

Julius Agwu: Ignore my size, I have a big d*ck

Do not judge a book by its cover, or in this case a penis size by the size of its carrier...: Julius Agwu has a healthy-sized penis and he has absolutely no problem letting us know this. The saying goes, 'do not judge a book by its cover' and Julius Agwu proved this to be quite the case when he admitted to Hot Pulse that he's quite endowed in his southern region. We had asked the comedy don to share with us, something no one else knew about him and he knocked the socks out of us when he blurted: "I have a big dick!" There you have it people, big things sometimes come in small packages...

3 men attempt to remove baby from 8-months pregnant woman's womb

Three friends who were sleeping with the same woman tried to force her baby out of her tummy: The long arm of the law has caught up » with three friends, Adamu Usman Barma, Fawas Bala and Buhari Ahmed, who allegedly attempted to forcefully pull out the baby from the womb of an 8-months pregnant woman at Gusau quarters in Gumel local government area of Jigawa State. The bad men were apprehended by operatives of Jigawa State Command of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps » , NSCDC, after they committed the crime. The Commandant of the corps in the state, Dr. Muhammed Gidado, revealed that his men had a distress call and rushed to the scene of the incident where they caught the men in the act, with one of the suspects holding the pregnant woman by the neck, another held her legs, while the third attempted to pull out the baby. He said the lady, identified as Maryam Muhammed, currently on admission in an unnamed hospital, admitted that she had been having affairs with the three men. The suspects confessed that the pregnancy belonged to them and they had told her to abort it, but that she refused.

Bad Example: Alleged rapist, Prince Daniel Okereke, is also a gospel singer

A gospel artiste who is supposed to be living the life he preaches through his music, is currently in police net over an alleged rape: Prince Daniel Okereke, who is currently under investigation over a rape allegation, is a gospel artiste, has learnt. The Imo State born singer who is also the brother of Nollywood actress, Stephanie Okereke-Linus, has been in the news recently after being accused of rape by a University of Lagos undergraduate, Arionla. has dug out a Youtube video of the embattled Prince Daniel Okereke's debut song as a gospel artiste. The song which is titled “Seek Ye First” was released a year ago. Further investigations have revealed that, Prince Daniel Okereke, is a gospel musician signed to his own music label, Kings Unit Entertainment. In the record “Seek Ye First” he features Willicino who is the only artiste he has signed to his Kings Unit Entertainment music label. Prince quit his job from the bank to give music a shot in 2013 and plans were underway to release an album before the rape scandal hit him. Prince Daniel Okereke has been accused of rape by Arionla who alleges that the gospel singer lured her to his house and had carnal knowledge of her without her permission. Prince Daniel Okereke is still in police custody as investigations continue.

BOKO HARAM: Church loses 8,000 members in Boko Haram attacks

The Christian Association of Nigeria has revealed The Ekkilisiyan Yan'uwa A Nigeria, Church of the Brethren EYN has lost over 8,000 of its members to Boko Haram attacks and over half a million displaced: The Ekkilisiyan Yan'uwa A Nigeria, Church of the Brethren EYN has revealed that over 8, 00 members of the church have been murdered by Boko Haram. Speaking to newsmen at the church's premises in Jos, the Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria Youth wing North Central zone, Engr. Daniel Kadzair revealed that over 700,000 of the church members have been displaced and scattered in Jos, Benue, Kaduna and Abuja. He added that 270 branches of the church have been destroyed completely as 45 out of the 50 district councils DCC,have been affected. Daniel Kadzair condemned the government’s inability to stop the attacks saying it was obvious that the Federal Government lacks the political will to protect and defend the people of Northern Nigeria from the Boko Haram insurgency and attacks by Fulani militia. "Federal Government seems to be toying with the lives of the Christians in Northern Nigeria for political gains; while Boko Haram and the Fulani militias and their sponsors are killing innocent Nigerian citizens, the government seems not to care and has abdicated its responsibility to protecting lives," Daniel Kadzair said.

ABU 1st class graduate shot dead by policeman in girlfriend 'fight'

Aminu tried to defend his girlfriend from a policeman who was assaulting her. Unfortunately, the policeman turned on him and shot him dead before fleeing the scene: A thirty-one-year old first class graduate of the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Moses Murtala Aminu, has been shot dead by a trigger- happy policeman identified as Alex Okpe, in Kaduna.Crystal Rainbow's P.I gathered from a Vanguard report » quoting eyewitnesses that the late Aminu met his untimely death on Sunday while challenging a police constable who was beating up his girlfriend at a party venue in Barnawa area of the state. According to the report, Okpe brought out his gun and fatally shot the deceased. The policeman reportedly fired further shots into the air and fled the scene on his motorcycle. who also beat up his lover. But the Kaduna State Commissioner of Police, Femi Adenaike, said Okpe has been arrested by by officers from the Barnawa Police Division. “The suspect is in the cell and we have commenced investigation. "And if he is found guilty, we will give him an in- house trial and summary dismissal so that he can face the law for homicide,” Adenaike was reportedly said. The police chief however said Okpe confessed to the killing but claims to have shot the deceased in self defence. He said late Aminu and his friends had attempted to fight him over the girl. Adenaike said Okpe, who was not on duty at the time of the killing, will be tried and dismissed if found guilty. There have been many similar cases of unlawful police killings in Nigeria in the recent past.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Chaos In God’s House: Christ Embassy pastors allegedly beat member to pulp

The woman has told that she is planning to sue Christ Embassy to the tune of N1b after she was beaten to pulp by some senior pastors of the ministry: A member of Christ Embassy, Uchenna Eschareturi, is accusing some senior pastors of the church of brutal assault and is also suing the ministry to the tune of N1b as compensation. Uchenna Eschareturi also known as U-cheena alleges that she was beaten to pulp by some senior pastors of the church after an argument over LED screens ensued. learnt that U- chenna who is the producer of Destiny Child Gospel Music Talent Hunt had rented out her LED screens to the church for the on-going International Pastors and Partners Conference (IPPC ) in Lagos but the church was unable to pay the rental fee. According to U-cheena, her company had rented out the LED screens at a 90% discount to the church and that in return the church was to allow her use the Love World Studio, which is owned by the church, for a day live shooting of the Season 3 of the Destiny Child Music Talent Hunt Show. According to her statement, U-cheena said she was beaten to pulp by the pastors of the church for asking for the payment before leaving the church premises with her LED screens. U-cheenna told newsmen at the Alausa Police Station that after using the LED screens for three days, the church told her that they were going to pay her for only a day. “I was in shock when Pastor Dave approached me and my staff and said we are only going to pay you for one day. Go and take down your screen immediately and give me your invoice and then ordered me out of the church when I told him I was not going to take one day pay from them. He started walking towards his office and I followed him. He closed the door of his office right behind me, as I attempted to follow him, one Pastor Ayo pushed me from the door and I fell thunderously to the ground,” U-cheena narrated to newsmen present at the Alausa Police Station. She alleges that she was beaten by several pastors in the church before heading to the police station to lay her complains. U-cheena also said she plans to press charges and has already briefed her lawyers to commence the process of instituting legal action against Christ Embassy and the pastors involved. Some pastors of the church learnt, have visited the police station to state their own side of the story. According to Dailypost, the counsel to the woman has revealed that they are already filing a civil suit to the tune of N1b against the church.

4 Soldiers Were Wounded: Injured UNIJOS students were not shot by STF — Army

11 students of the University of Jos were shot as they protested on Tuesday. Initial reports had accused the STF soldiers of the shootings but the Army has denied its men's involvement: The Army has denied military involvement Tuesday's shooting of protesting students » of the University of Jos (UNIJOS). Eleven of the students protesting over a N10, 000 development levy alleged increase in the institution's fees were shot in what the students' leaders called an Army 'invasion'. "I narrowly escaped; the military came into our classes and shot some of us while some were arrested," the Public Relations Officer Student Union Government (SUG) » , Longgun Dakwon, reportedly said. "I saw one shot on the leg and another in the chest," another student said. But the spokesperson of the The Special Task Force (STF) spokesman, Captain Ikedichi Iweha, has told Daily Trust that STF soldiers were not involved » in the shootings, even though they were attacked right from the first day of the protest » . “The shooting was not carried out by the STF. On the first day of the protest, the students poured water on us and stoned us but we exercised restraint," Iweha said. Iweha indirectly hints that the shooting was carried out by personnel of other security outfits. "Today (Tuesday) there was need for reinforcements so other security agents had to join,” he said. Iweha revealed that four soldiers were wounded by miscreants who hijacked the protests. He added that the injured students are receiving treatment in the army's facility. UNIJOS has been shut down following the protests.

Boko Haram: Catholic Priests flee Borno

It has been revealed that over 20 Catholic Priests have fled from the state due to the spate of Boko Haram attacks: The Catholic ministry in Borno State is currently missing the services of about 20 priests that have been displaced by the constant Boko Haram attacks in the state. Catholic Bishop of Maiduguri Diocese, Rt. Rev Oliver Doeme Dashe, disclosed that the diocese which has 46 priests is currently working with only 26 because three deaneries of the existing six in the diocese had been occupied by terror group. Reverend Oliver Doeme Dashi thereafter called on President Goodluck Jonathan to step up actions that will put an end to the militants’ reign in the state. Bishop Dashe said the three states under his leadership have been under emergency rule and frequent attacks by the Boko Haram sect and that the situation has paralysed economic, social, religious and agricultural activities in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states respectively, leaving the people to suffer in poverty. He blamed the laxity of the government on the colossal losses of people to the insurgency.

Nick Cannon: Actor claims he had sex with all Kardashian sisters

Nick Cannon may have said too much in a recent radio interview about Kim, Khloe and Kourtney!: Nick Cannon » is single and speaking about his past...including information he shouldn't be telling an audience on radio... like exposing the women he'd have sex with! During a recent radio interview » , Cannon was asked about the chicks he'd hooked up with before he got married to Mariah Carey » . The 'America Got Talent' host made sure he answered the question with 'the truth'. He said: "Yes [I have done things with a Kardashian sister]. And I always get in trouble when I talk about this but I always tell the truth so ... The ones that are of age." Huh?..."the ONES that are of age"? For real, Nick? Did dude just use plural on the 'ones'? Does this mean Nick slept with Kim, Kourtney and Khloe? Because those are the ONES who are of age! Or... did Nick just throw a bombshell on radio?

Husband catches wife having sex with pastor's son in church

What would lead a mother of 6 to have sex in the church with another man? But for divine intervention, an angry husband in Osun State, Nigeria, who caught his wife having sex » with their pastor's son right inside the church, would today be charged with double murders as the adulterous » duo managed to escape before he could lay his hands on a machete. The man, Olabisi Afolayan, has however, dragged his wife, Folasade, to a divorce court, praying the court to dissolve the marriage which has lasted the whole of 20 years and blessed with 5 children, as he could no longer take the trauma of the shame she has brought upon himself and his family. Afolayan told the court that he could no longer condone her promiscuity, stressing that his wife is so loose and in 2003, she also ran away with a man, abandoning her matrimonial home for four years. Narrating his ordeal in tears, Afolayan said: "The cause of our problem is her adulterous ways and she causes problems for me because she once ran away with another man in 2003 and I did not find her until 2007. By the time she came back, I had married another wife. Attempts at reconciliation were made but I refused. She invited the police to harass my second wife until she ran away. She once told me that she wanted to go and buy bread, and that was how she disappeared for three days. I also came back from work one day and was told she was not around; I later heard her voice and traced her to a church near our house. When I got there, I found my wife and the pastor’s son having sex. I went to get a cutlass, but before I came back, they had fled. I want the court to know that I am not the father of our sixth child » and I am not responsible for the pregnancy she is carrying." But in her defense, Folasade denied the allegations against her, saying her husband is only trying to dodge fending for his children. Hear her: "We have six children and not five and we have been married for 20 years, but we have never lived together because of constant fightings."

2015 Elections: PDP will never win - Oba of Lagos

Oba Akiolu stated further that God would give the citizens of Lagos another governor from the All Progressives Congress (APC): The Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu has said that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) would never win elections in the state. Oba Akiolu stated further that God would give the citizens of Lagos another governor from the All Progressives Congress (APC). The royal father reportedly stated this during the launch of the autobiography of the former President of the Court of Appeal, Mustapha Akanbi, at the Sheraton Hotel in Abuja on Wednesday, November 26. “Recently, I told Bode George, (Musiliu) Koro and (Adeseye) Ogunlewe that “Look at me o! You will never win Lagos. God will give us another APC governor,” the Oba said. Lagos has been ruled by the APC since Nigeria returned to democracy in 1999; first under the umbrella of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) before the party was renamed and refashioned. Second-time governorship » aspirant, Musiliu Obanikoro has said that Lagos has remained within the grip of former Governor, Bola Tinubu for the past 16 years and that only he could save the state from the ex-governor » who he calls the “Emperor of Bourdillon”.

EBOLA: China opens Ebola treatment centre in Liberia

The centre was opened on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, in a ceremony presided over by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: The fight against Ebola in Liberia has received a boost as China has constructed a 100-bed treatment center in the country’s capital, Monrovia. The centre was opened on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, in a ceremony presided over by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The centre was reportedly finished within a month and the Asian country has also deployed 163 medical workers from an elite unit of the China’s People’s Liberation Army to work in the facility. The current Ebola outbreak has claimed over 5000 lives but cases of the disease are said to be on the decline in Liberia.

Gunmen kill policeman, other in Bayelsa

Unknown gunmen have killed a mobile policeman and another person in Bayelsa State. The killing of the policeman and the other person happened in two separate incidents in the state. Police authorities in Bayelsa confirmed that the mobile policeman was killed long the Akenpai 1 area of the state capital by unidentified gunmen who also stole his service rifle. Acting Public Relations Officer, Bayelsa Police Command, Mr. Rowland Eboka, said the unidentified deceased cop, was a Corporal. He said the Corporal was shot dead at about 7am on Monday on his way to work. It, was, however learnt from residents of the Akenpai Area that the deceased Mobile police Officer, who was from Ekeremor Local Government Area of the state, was shot dead at a close range. An eyewitness, who identified himself simply as Preye, said the unidentified gunmen, had laid ambush for the deceased policeman and caught him off guard as he was shot from behind. The Acting PPRO said, “Yes, It is true. He was shot dead and his rifle missing.We are making all efforts to apprehend the killers and recover the stolen weapon.” Also, unknown gunmen, suspected to be sea pirates, have killed another person in the state. Sources said the suspected pirates, numbering five, shot the victim dead in an attack on a passenger boat last Sunday along the Akassa- Yenagoa waterways. It was learnt that the bandits, who wore masks, also carted away valuables including money, handsets and the fuel line of the boat. The boat driver, however, escaped with gunshot wounds. The ill-fated boat plies between Bekekiri, a settlement in Akassa area of Brass Local Government Area, and the Swali Ultra-Modern Market in Yenagoa, the state capital. “The corpse of the victim has since been handed over to the marine police in Yenagoa. The boat owner is also receiving treatment in Yenagoa,” a source said. The police spokesman, Eboka, did not answer calls to his phone as of press time on Wednesday. But a security officer attached to a police station in the area, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the incident, saying that the pirates invaded the boat in the morning of Sunday.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

‘Boko Haram Girls’: Ezekwesili, others tackle Time magazine

Former Vice President of African Region, the World Bank, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, on Tuesday, led the condemnation of the Time magazine for referring to abducted Chibok female students as “Boko Haram Girls”. The Time had included the Chikbok girls on its famous ‘Person of the Year’ nomination list, with winner expected to emerge at the end of voting which lasts till December 6. While the magazine has been commended for recognising the trauma the female captives have passed through in the past 226 days, it has come under attack for what is called its indiscretion in tagging the girls. Ezekwesili took to Twitter to share her disappointment at the tagging, which she considered insensitive. “Our 219 daughters can never be ‘Boko Haram Girls’. Never! They belong to their parents who are awaiting them,” she tweeted. She commended the magazine for the nomination but warned against calling the victims “Boko Haram Girls.” The former presidential aide called on concerned stakeholders to team up for the rescue of the girls to end the embarrassment their abduction has caused the country. “The girls must be rescued alive now”, she charged. She also urged the Federal Government to “give them justice”, which they deserve as Nigerians and members of the society. Earlier, the former World Bank chief said Boko Haram might have kept the girls for over 200 days but they did not belong to the terrorists, as they would be rescued and handed over to the parents. Also on his Twitter handle, Aminu Gamawa, a social activist, lambasted the magazine for the misrepresentation, stressing that the girls were victims and not terrorists as portrayed by the Time. An enraged Molade Alawode, who commented on the platform, said the action called to question the competence of editors of the US-based publication, while another, Agnes, said everything legally possible should be done to stop the “insensitive labeling”. IyKay, another online commentator, noted the Time’s reference to the girls as “Boko Haram Girls” should be considered as a wake-up call. He said the fight to rescue the girls should be reactivated. A woman rights activist, Dr Joe Okei-Odumakin, had also noted on the 224th day remembrance of the girls, that the country’s political activities were overshadowing the campaign for the girls’ rescue. She lamented, via a tweet, that Nigerians were carried away by “political declarations” while the girls were still held captive. Despite the rising public outcry, the Time retained the controversial “Boko Haram Girls” on the voting list as of 5pm on Tuesday. On the list posted on the webpage are Barack Obama, the Ebola doctors and nurses, Vladimir Putin, Kim Kerdashian, Pope Francis, Malala Yousafzai, John Kerry and Narendra Modi. Others are Hilary Clinton, Kanye West, Elizabeth Waren, Bashir al-Assad and Laverne Cox. As of Tuesday evening, the Chibok girls were commanding 2.5 per cent of the total votes in a poll led by Narendra Modi’s 13 score. Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan, according to a tweet by his media spokesman, Reuben Abati, said neighbouring West African countries must cooperate to end the war against terrorism. He said Chad, Niger, Cameroun and Nigeria were so intertwined that members of Boko Haram required little effort to move from one territory into another. “If the countries do not cooperate, we will not find it easy to win the war because when the heat is strong in one country, the terrorists will go to another one to hide,” the President reportedly said. Speaking to reporters at the Presidential Palace in N’Djamena after a closed-door meeting with is Chadian counterpart, President Idris Itno, Jonathan said Boko Haram had much external influence from outside Africa and that it had become important for all countries in the region to work together to overcome terrorism and other criminal activities across the borders.

B’Haram: Police to stop salaries of 30 missing policemen

Salaries of the missing 30 mobile policemen in Borno State would be stopped by April 2015, if the men failed to show up at their squadron units, sources told our correspondent. The policemen were declared missing in August after an attack on the Police Training School, Gwoza, Borno State, by Boko Haram insurgents. Investigations by our correspondent indicated that the missing personnel might be given up for dead if they did not report to their commanding officers by the end of the first quarter of the New Year. It was however learnt that the missing police personnel would be declared dead formally after seven years. About 159 personnel drawn from Mopol 50, Abuja; Mopol 38, Akwanga and Mopol 58, Lafia, Nasarawa State, were undergoing training at the school when Boko Haram gunmen attacked them on August 20,2014, killing some and seizing their arms and ammunition. A number of the policemen escaped but 30 of them are yet to be accounted for, three months after the incident. Though the Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba, had expressed hope that the men might be alive but he was silent on the efforts being made to search for them. Our correspondent learnt that the salaries of the affected personnel might be suspended if their emolument forms were not submitted to the officers-in-charge of the Mechanised Salary Sections, who process police salaries. It was learnt that the emolument forms had been given to the rank and file to be filled and submitted before the end of the year. Findings indicated that any backlog salaries of the missing officers would be paid the moment they show up to fill the emolument form. “The salaries of the missing officers are still being paid for now, but by April next year, it would be stopped because they did not fill the emolument forms that would ensure the continuous payment of their salaries,” a police source said. One of the MOPOL commandants in Abuja was said to have giving money to family members of some of the missing policemen recently when they complained of hardships they encountered in accessing the bank accounts of their missing breadwinners. “I was there when the commander gave out N50,000 to each of the women to assist them because of the hardship they are facing since their husband went missing at Gwoza; you know that some men don’t open up to their wives about their finances, so you can understand what the women are going through,” the source stated. But the Force Public Relations Officer, Emmanuel Ojukwu, in a text message, said it was not true that the salaries of the personnel would be stopped, noting that “they are only presumed dead after seven years.”

Ebola workers in Sierra Leone dump bodies

Burial workers in Sierra Leone have dumped bodies in the street outside a hospital in protest at authorities’ failure to pay bonuses for handling Ebola victims. Residents said up to 15 corpses had been abandoned in the eastern town of Kenema, three of them at a hospital entrance to stop people entering. The head of the district Ebola Response Team, Abdul Wahab Wan, said on Tuesday that the bodies included those of two babies. A spokesman for the striking workers, who asked not to be identified, said they had not been paid their weekly hazard allowance for seven weeks. Authorities acknowledged the money had not been paid but said that all the striking members of the Ebola Burial Team would be dismissed. “Displaying corpses in a very, very inhumane manner is completely unacceptable,” said Sidi Yahya Tunis, the spokesman for the National Ebola Response Centre. He added that the central government had paid the money to the district health management team. “Somebody somewhere needs to be investigated (to find out) where these monies have been going,” he told Reuters news agency. Healthcare workers have repeatedly gone on strike in Liberia and Sierra Leone over pay and dangerous working conditions. Two weeks ago, workers walked off the job at a clinic in Bo in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has become the biggest hotspot in the West African Ebola epidemic, which has killed nearly 5,500 people since March. The outbreak appears to be coming under control in neighbouring Liberia and Guinea, but infection rates have accelerated in Sierra Leone. A medical source said on Tuesday that another Sierra Leonean doctor, Aiah Solomon Konoyeima, had tested positive for the disease. All seven Sierra Leonean doctors who have previously caught Ebola have died of it. The head of a special UN mission on Ebola acknowledged on Monday it would not meet the target of containing the outbreak by early December. China said on Tuesday it would step up its Ebola response. “More then 600 medical staff and public health experts have been sent to the affected countries in western Africa and the number is estimated to grow to 1,000 in the coming months,” said Cui Li, Chinese vice minister for national health, at the opening of an Ebola Treatment Unit in Monrovia. Despite pledges of hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, and the deployment of US and British troops, the weakness of healthcare systems and infrastructure in the affected countries has hampered the fight against the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus on record.

Suicide bombers attack Maiduguri market, kill 59

“Maiduguri is gradually being captured. Its location is almost in the middle of Borno State and only the Maiduguri-Damaturu axis of the roads leading to it can boast of relative calm.” These were the words of Jack Vince, a Maiduguri, Borno State-based freelance journalist shortly after a male and female suicide bombers detonated Improvised Explosive Devices at the city’s market on Tuesday. About 59 people died and 92 others injured in the attacks which occurred at 11. 23 am. Thirty five of the corpses, according to medical sources, were deposited at the mortuary of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. The remaining 24 corpses were taken to the state specialist hospital in the troubled city. A military source told our correspondent that the female bomber was the first to detonate her IED, “killing herself and some traders and their customers who were near her.” He added, “Just as people gathered around her corpse and few other people that died in the first explosion, the male bomber detonated the explosive on him. No one can give you the exact casualty now but over 50 people were killed and many have been rushed to hospital.” Earlier, some traders at the market had claimed that the attacks were carried out by two female suicide bombers believed to be members of Boko Haram. One of them, Abba Kolo, said he counted “more down 40 corpses.” “As I am talking to you we are still trying to rescue the injured and evacuate the corpses of almost 60 traders and people who came to purchase things in the market.” A youth vigilante, Hassan Ibrahim, however claimed that the female attacker kept a parcel in a shop on One-Way, a commercial area beside the popular market, which detonated as she made to walk away. “As people were still wondering what happened and trying to rescue the injured, another bomber in the same area detonated a bomb planted on his body. This claimed so many lives.” A trader, Ali Bukar, said, “They were two suicide bombers. The first detonated an IED, killing herself and many people. But as traders and their customers were running for their lives, the other bomber detonated his own, killing many more. I saw about 14 tricycles evacuating corpses to the hospital.” A worker at the UMTH said “about 35 corpses and 42 injured persons were brought to our facility”. The state’s Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary and Executive Secretary Hospital Management Board, Salisu Bura, told Governor Kashim Shettima that 24 corpses were deposited at the hospital. He also told the governor, who visited the victims at the State Specialist Hospital, that 54 people were admitted. “Out of this number, 14 of them who were critically injured have been referred to the UMTH for proper treatment while 20 have been discharged.” Our correspondent however gathered that one of the injured, a 14-year-old boy, died after. Shettima described the bombers as “wicked” and wondered why they had chosen traders and children as their targets. Journalists were not allowed to take pictures of the site of the explosions by security agents. A photojournalists with the Daily Trust, Tunji Omirin, who was nearly beaten up by soldiers had his camera seized. The Public Relations Officer of the state police command, Gideon Jubrin, did not give the number of the casualties. “I can confirm to you that there were explosions at the Maiduguri Monday Market today(Tuesday) but I cannot give you details now as our men and the military are on ground to bring back order,’ he told journalists on the telephone. Jubrin added, “Whatever figures you heard from the hospital source are their own figures, but as you know, we are still evacuating corpses. We have yet to count the corpses. This is a sad situation, I will update you whenever we are able to clear the scene and know the casualty figure.” There was however high security alert in Maiduguri after the explosions. Armed security operatives were seen screening vehicles, thereby causing traffic jam on major roads in the town. People were also subjected to serious screening before being allowed into public premises in the troubled town. It was however gathered that the security threat might not be unconnected with suspected infiltration of the internally displaced persons camp in the town by Boko Haram insurgents. A member of the youth vigilante group, who spoke to our correspondent under condition of anonymity said, “It is believed that insurgents followed the IDPs into town. They ( insurgents) even slaughtered two people in one of the camps and they have been going about wreaking havoc in some parts of the state.”

Kogi university cultists kill Professor, 400 level student in double strike

Cultists have struck again at KSU, killing a Prof and a 400 level student within two days. This is coming 9 months after a student was killed and burnt in his hostel room: An Associate Professor at the Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba, Justice Olurotimi Otitolaye and a 400 levels student of of the institution, Jimoh Faruk, have been killed by suspected cultists in two separate attacks.. According to reports, Otitolaiye was initially kidnapped by unidentified gunmen around Stadium Road, near KSU on Friday. The gunmen fired sporadic shots into the air before taking him away. Otitolaiye, known for his campaign against examination malpractice, was reportedly on his way to a supermarket when he was abducted. His bullet ridden body was discovered on Sunday at Ejule area, about 8 kilometres away from the school. Late Otitolaiye taught at KSU's Faculty of Agriculture in the Department of Agric Economics and Extension. He was a renowned agriculturist described as friendly and jovial. Student Pulse gathered that his body has been deposited at the university hospital. -Killing And More Killings- It was also reported that Jimoh Faruk, a 400 levels Mathematical Science student, was killed killed by the cultists. Sources say Faruk was killed on Saturday, a day after Otitolaiye’s abduction. Otitolaiye’s abduction and Faruk’s killing happened in the same area. Cultism has claimed many victims in KSU and other educational institutions in the state. It will be recalled thata 300 level Economics student of KSU, Ernest, popularly known as Star Boy Nexy, was killed and burnt to death by suspected cultists on March 24.

UNIJOS closed, students 'shot', arrested as soldiers smash protest

A number of protesting students of the University of Jos have been shot and arrested by soldiers according to media reports. UNIJOS students were protesting increase in fees. They have now been asked to vacate the school premises: Soldiers have reportedly shot and arrested some students of the University of Jos (UNIJOS) as they protested over increases in fees and levies » entered the second day. The protesting students this afternoon set fire in front of the school gate. It marked a significant violent turn yesterday’s protest » during which they blocked major roads leading to UNIJOS, effectively stalling activities in the area. Reports say soldiers were called in to control the protesters. Claims are being made that some students were shot and many others arrested. According to the Public Relations Officer Student Union Government (SUG), Longgun Dakwon, who spoke with Daily Trust, soldiers invaded the school premises, shot and arrested some students. "I narrowly escaped; the military came into our classes and shot some of us while some were arrested," Dakwom said. The shooting was corroborated by another student quoted in the report. "I saw one shot on the leg and another in the chest," he said. UNIJOS students had on Monday ignored their exams scheduled to begin the same day and staged a massive protest demanding » that the management remove levies and reduce all other fees. “We are calling for the removal of N10,000 development levy from our school fees payment and the reduction of N25,000 acceptance fees for admission," the SUG President, Nnok Nduu Abel, told journalists yesterday. Following the protests, the school management has shut UNIJOS indefinitely and ordered the students to leave the premises with immediate. -Anger Spillover- After day one of the protests, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Hayward Mafuyai, denied the purported increase in fees. "There is absolutely no plans by the University of Jos to review any school fees. If you hear any rumours around, then it is an evil rumour" Mafuyai had said. He also announced a one-week shift in the examination time table to allow for dialogue between the students and the management. But like Student Pulse reported yesterday, the students were not ready for a compromise, promising to "sacrifice for those coming behind". » This may be the reason why today’s protest went out of hand, leading to arrests and 'shootings'. The arrested students have been moved the Special Task Force (STF) headquarters in Plateau state. Student Pulse could not get an official statement with regards to the alleged shooting or the location of the arrested students

US doctor suspended for having sex with patients

The doctor has been accused of abandoning a pregnant patient in labour to have sex with another patient: A United States gynaecologist, Dr. Christopher Driskill, is facing the sack after he allegedly left a woman in labour unattended to while having sex with another patient in New Mexico. The 42-year-old Christopher Driskill who has already been suspended, has been accused of being drunk at work and sleeping with numerous patients and colleagues and now the New Mexico Medical Board is considering revoking his license. The board additionally found him to be drinking during work hours and when he was on call. It has also been discovered that Driskill has a “personal cache” of alcohol in his office at the Lea Regional Medical Center. A suspension notice reads that he admitted several pregnant patients in labour to the Lea Regional Medical Center, but was not present for their deliveries as he was busy having “sexual relations with another patient,” the Albuquerque Journal reports. Driskill faces 11 charges of misconduct just five months before he was supposed to become the president of the New Mexico Medical Society.

KLANS MEN: 9 cultists nabbed in Rivers State

Two separate raids by men of the Rivers State Police Command led to the arrest of nine cultists. Several weapons and stolen items were also recovered during the arrest. Nine cultists were on Monday, November 24 apprehended by men of the Rivers State Police Command during two separate raids. In a statement to the media, the command revealed that while responding to two distress calls from indigines of Okwuzi community in Onelga, nine cultists were arrested. The arrests were made as plans were underway for a supremacy battle between De-Well and Degbam(KLANS KONFRATERNITY A.K.A KK) cults groups at the community. Chinazo Amaechi, Nna Chisom, Solomon Ossai, Regimus Igwelatu, Monday Jackson, Chinonso Fordima and Tony Amanya, were arrested as police swiftly stormed the area to foil the clash. One pump action gun, four live cartridges, one double barrel gun, a Honda jeep with registration No. IMO WER 685 FX, a Toyota Camry saloon with registration No. RIVERS BER 407 AP, two laptop computers and different types of assorted charms were recovered from the cultists during the arrest. In a similar response same day at about 1:30PM, the police received information that some suspected cultist were sighted with arms around back gate of Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt (RSUST) initiating new members. A raid at the initiation ground led to the arrest of two suspects, Joel Ozekume, a final year student of RSUST and Princewill Brown, a graduate of Cross River State University. One beretta pistol and 3 rounds of .9mm ammunition were recovered from them.

Nigerian man sentenced to death for drug smuggling in Malaysia

After being found guilty of drug smuggling in 2012, Abuchi Ngwoke has been sentenced to death by a Malaysian High Court: A 35-year old Nigerian man, Abuchi Ngwoke, has been sentenced to death for drug trafficking by a Malaysian Hight Court. Abuchi Ngwoke was accosted at a Malaysian airport and arrested afterwards after being found with 251.66 grams of Mathapethamine. He swallowed gemstones in Nigeria before boarding a flight to the Southeast Asian country. After being found guilty of drug trafficking, a Malaysian High Court judge said Abuchi Ngwoke’s attempt to smuggle drugs into the country by swallowing them was “absurd”. Abuchi Ngwoke was today, Tuesday November 25, sentenced to death. A date has not been set for his execution.

Man leads gang to rob sibling of N2.3m in Delta state

Babayo Ali has shown that the best way to show love to a brother is to lead a robbery gang to attack the brother: A 24-year-old man, Babayo Ali, is now in police custody for leading a gang of robbers » to rob his elder brother of the sum of N2.3 million. Ali had conspired with three others, Nnamdi Ugwuona, Felix Igbeona and Babatunde Adebayo, to the house of his blood brother, Ahmed Ali, and dispossessed him of the sum and other valuables. The incident occurred in Asaba, the Delta State capital. According to the state Public Relations Officer, (PPRO), DSP Celetina Kalu, the suspects robbed the victim opposite the defunct Textile Mill in Asaba before escaping to their hideout. She said: Based on the incident, detectives swung into action and arrested the suspects. "The architect of the crime » and the insider that provided the information on the stolen money who is the victim's blood brother, is now in custody.” Kalu added that the suspects had confessed to the crime and fingered one Dumebi Onwuegbuzia, who allegedly provided the locally made cut-to-size gun used during the operation. "However, the said Dumebi, who was paid N30,000 after the robbery, » has been on our wanted list and was arrested by operatives of the State Anti-Robbery Squad in Asaba." The PPRO said that further investigations later revealed that Dumebi runs a Vikings confraternity and has initiated many boys into the dreaded cult group within Asaba metropolis.

Goodluck Jonathan;President is not anti-Muslim, Abati says

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) had earlier raised alarm over a supposed Jewish symbol that had been placed on the new centenary N100 note and accused the president of trying to “promote Zionism.”: The Presidency has responded to allegations levelled by the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) which accused Goodluck Jonathan’s administration of promoting an anti-Islam agenda. The association raised alarm over a supposed Jewish symbol that had been placed on the new centenary N100 note and accused the president of trying to “promote Zionism.” » However, the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati addressed the accusations while speaking to State House correspondents in Abuja on Monday, November 24 . Abati said: “Our attention has been drawn to a press statement issued by the Muslims Right Concern and signed by its Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola which made a number of allegations against President Jonathan.” “I find Akintola’s allegations rather curious and they can be dealt with as follows: first, he needs to be told that President Jonathan is not anti- Muslim as he alleges.” “Jonathan is the President of all Nigerians, whatever may be their beliefs. It is not true that the president is using the highest office in the country to promote Zion nation.” The presidential aide also said MURIC owes the president an apology for what he termed as “a most unfortunate statement.” Also addressed by Abati was Akintola’s assertion that Muslims were left out of the recently concluded National Conference. Abati said: “It was a purposeful conference, a conference in which a lot of maturity was displayed. Religion did not become a big issue in that conference.” “Rather, the conference became a platform for addressing many issues of general concern to various groups, ethnic or religious.” “MURIC cannot claim not to know that was a very successful conference,” he added. The presidential aide also clarified the issue of the new symbol on the centenary N100 note. “The symbol his statement is referring to is the Star of David. There is nowhere on that note as indicated in the specimen that has been widely publicized where there is any Jewish or Zionist symbol or the Star of David. “The Star of David is a hexagram which is two triangles of equal lines superimposed on each other. The hexagram is a very popular symbol but it is not on that naira note.” “The symbol that he is referring to is not a Jewish symbol. It is what they call spark security feature.” “It is an optical magnetic feature which enables the public to authenticate a currency note whether it is genuine or counterfeit. That is the function of that particular design.” “That design is not a hexagram and it is not in any way associated with Israel or Jewish or Zionism. It is two squares merged into one with a Manila briquette, which is a symbol of the cowry money used during the colonial era.” “It is an attempt on the part of MURIC to cause disaffection, because on the design of that note, the value of that note is written out in the three major languages in Nigeria, recognised in the constitution: Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa.’’ I believe that MURIC will see the need to quickly apologise for misleading the public and for issuing that kind of statement that can cause disaffection against the president,”Abati concluded. MURIC said in a statement issued on Sunday, November 23, that its members had expressed worry over the appearance of the 'Jewish symbol' on a Naira note meant for all Nigerians.

Cop killers: 4 arrested for killing of police officer

The four suspects were paraded before newsmen after they were arrested for the killing of a police officer in Ibadan: Four suspects, Surajudeen Dauda, Ojo Olawale, Lukman Raimi, and Adams Yinus, have been arrested by the Oyo State Police Command for the killing of a police officer in Agugu, Ibadan. While parading the suspects on Monday, November 24, Oyo State Police Public Relations Officer, Olabisi Ilobanefor, told newsmen that on Thursday, September 4, the robbers shot and killed the police officer at his duty post before making away with his AK-47 rifle. The suspects reportedly use the same rifle to rob a farm around the challenge area of Ibadan, injuring the Managing Director and seven customers on the premises and shooting one the victims fatally in the eye. They made away with with huge amounts of money and mobile phones during the robbery. Ilobanefor told newsmen that the suspects have confessed and admitted that they carried out the alleged crimes and added that a Nissan Micra with number plate AKD 358 SM, one AK 47 rifle, one pump action rifle, one cut-to-size double- barrelled gun, a locally-made gun, a stainless raven arm pistol, two AK-47 magazines, charms, 14 live ammunition of AK-47 rifle, eight phones, axe, cutlass and marijuana were in the suspects’ possession when they were caught.

BREAKING! 2 female suicide bombers attack Maiduguri market

Two female suicide bombers are said to have detonated explosives in a busy market at about 11:30 am leaving many dead: An explosion has reportedly occurred in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital today, November 25. Two female suicide bombers are said to have detonated explosives in a busy market at about 11:30 am leaving many dead. An official casualty figure is yet to be released. Story developing.

Rotimi Amaechi: Jonathan’s government is corrupt, Rivers governor says

Amaechi also stated that “there is no democracy yet in Nigeria” as the country is operating under diarchy which is the same as dictatorship: The Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi has accused President Goodluck Jonathan of “supervising a highly corrupt government.” Amaechi also stated that “there is no democracy yet in Nigeria” as the country is operating under diarchy which is the same as dictatorship. Amaechi reportedly said this in Abuja on Saturday, November 22, while also addressing the police invasion of the National Assembly on November 20. The governor said: “We don’t have democracy in Nigeria yet. What we have is diarchy. We don’t have a democracy. Diarchy is dictatorship. The Federal Government has appropriated the police as its personal property. The FG has taken over the police.” "See the way the police took over the National Assembly. By law, the police have no power to invade the National Assembly and they have no power to stop the Speaker from going in or out of the National Assembly complex. But they don’t obey law,” Amaechi added. The governor also spoke on the issue of Boko Haram saying that the Federal Government was deliberately allowing the terrorists to run amok. “The Federal Government deliberately allowed the Boko Haram to overrun many villages in the North-East. If it is not a political agenda, why would the military not be able to chase away the rag-tag army of Boko Haram?” “They don’t want elections to hold in the zone so that there wouldn’t be election in the zone. If there is no election in the North-East, they believe that the APC would lose.” “If they are not afraid of the APC, let them restore law and order. The zone is in the hands of the APC. Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Adamawa and Yobe states are all APC states," the governor said. Amaechi had previously stated that Jonathan’s administration is like that of former dictator » , Sani Abacha.

Jordin Sparks;Singer drops new record, disses Jason Derulo

Jordin Sparks » has released a new mixtape called 'Bye Felicia' and it looks like she is calling out on ex boyfriend Jason Derulo » . Sparks rolled out in partnership with the LA Leakers and the song has already set tongues wagging thanks to its lead offering "How 'Bout Now" - a remix of the Drake cut of the same name. The American Idol winner uses her version to wax honest about her relationship with ex Derulo. In the song, Sparks asks her man (Jason): how about now? Feeling like i gotta get all these things off my chest... You remember I deleted all the other guys in my phone for you You probably doesn't remember all the things i did for you I was there for you when you had nothing. You suck right now. How About Now She also made mention of the fact that Jason stold her she was waiting for his fame to succeed but she says: Boy how bout now? :I am up right now :Boy, what about now? Released earlier today, the track has since surfaced in full.

Love Scam: EFCC drag 'Yahoo' boys to court for duping foreign nurse of N13.5m

Two Internet fraudsters have been docked for duping a foreign nurse of the sum of N13.5m. It is the end of the road for two Internet fraudsters » , popularly called 'Yahoo-Yahoo' boys, as they have been hounded to the court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission » , EFCC, for duping » a Belgian nurse of the sum of €61,500, about N13.5m. The suspects, Gabriel Osereme Xavi, who used the name Collins Page, and Aikhaituamen Best Junior Cyril, were arraigned before Justice E.F. Ikponmwen of the Edo State High Court sitting in Benin, on charges bordering on conspiracy and obtaining money by false pretence. According to a press statement by the anti-crime agency, Xavi was slammed with a 12-count charge while Aikhaituamen was docked on 6-count charge. The statement reads thus: The accused persons are alleged to have fleeced a 49 year-old Belgian nurse, Goryczka Janina, whom they met on Facebook, of the above, over some love scam. The victim allegedly met one of the accused persons sometime in January, 2014, who introduced himself as 'Collins Page', a Croatian Engineer resident in Wigan, England. Within days of their meeting, 'Page' contacted her with the story that he was in Nigeria to supervise a road construction project in Edo State and that he was having difficulty with his credit card as it had been blocked for security reasons. He solicited Janina’s assistance for desperate cash. Over the next few weeks, Janina kept sending him money until she had transferred a total of €61,500 through one Emmanuel Okoh based in Cape Town, South Africa and Messrs Junior Best and Cyril Ojiemen. When 'Mr. Page' pressurized her for more money, Janina confided in a friend who told her that she might have fallen into the hands of scammers. In view of the plea of the accused persons, prosecuting counsel, G. K. Latono asked for a trial date and prayed the court to remand them in prison custody. Justice Ikponmwen adjourned the case to December 8, 2014, for consideration of bail applications and ordered that the defendants be remanded in prison custody.

Shameful: Naval officer arrested for stealing truck with N20M goods

Lawal Alli and his gang of armed robbers were apprehended after hijacking a truck with N20M worth of good:- A dismissed 28-year-old naval officer, Lawal Alli, who led five other gang members to allegedly hijack a truck with goods valued at N20m was recently apprehended by men of the Nigerian Police Force According to a Punch report, suspect, Lawal Alli, and five others, hijacked a truck, driven by one Mr. Ganiyu Mustapha, who was conveying iron sheets and rods to Apapa. The truck marked, LSD782XB, was hijacked by the suspects around Navy Town, Kirikiri, Apapa, Lagos State on Friday, November 14. Lawal Alli, Babagana Muhammed, Muhammed Yinusa, Bello Umaru, Muhammed Tasiru and Abdullahi Bundi, were allegedly driving through the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway when they were arrested by policemen attached to the Department of Operations, Lagos State Police around the Isheri-Berger area of Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. Speaking with Punch, the Borno State born Lawal Alli revealed that he was a naval officer before he was dismissed in 2010 for negligence of duty. ““One Alhaji Ibrahim introduced me to the business. He is a businessman in Lagos. The police are still searching for him. He gave us the information about the truck and goods. He told me to arrange and hijack it. I had my uniform on and so we successfully snatched the truck after initially deceiving the victims that we were security personnel,” Alli confessed according to Punch. The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, while confirming the arrest, said the case has been transferred to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Obama: We didn't mislead on health care bill

President Obama says he and his administration did not mislead the public on the financing of the health care law, disputing statements by a consultant who said supporters of the bill took advantage of the "stupidity" of American voters. "The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run," Obama told reporters at a news conference following the G-20 summit in Brisbane, Australia. Obama was responding to a recently discovered videotape featuring Jonathan Gruber, an MIT professor and outside adviser of health care. Gruber said the Obama administration obscured the financing of the law in order to get it passed. "If you have a law that makes explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it wouldn't have passed," Gruber said on the video. "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and, basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically that was really critical to getting the thing to pass." At the G-20 news conference, Obama said all aspects of the health care law underwent extensive debate before he signed it in 2010. "I would just advise every press outlet here: Pull up every clip and every story," Obama said. "I think it's fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent -- it was a tough debate." From Politico: "While Gruber was not a staffer, he was a paid consultant whose models were used to help assess the impact of various policy changes being considered as part of health care legislation. Official logs show he visited the White House about a dozen times between 2009 and this year. "Despite Obama's dismissive tone toward Gruber, the president has acknowledged that some of his own statements about the law were ill-advised, in particular his repeated promises that if Americans liked their health care plans they could keep them. In fact, many plans were deemed inadequate under the law, leading people to get notices that their plans were being canceled."

70 year old man arrested for N42million Stock Fraud

A 70-year-old man, Adebola Oyewole Asiwaju, has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for allegedly attempting to fraudulently sell the shares of one Olalere Sunday Oladosu. To perfect the scam, the suspect allegedly forged documents and opened a bank account in a new generation bank, with the assumed name of “Olalere Sunday Oladosu”. Then, he proceeded to instruct Marina Securities, a brokerage, to dispose of 1.7million units of Zenith Bank shares valued at N42million and remit the proceeds to the account he opened with the new generation bank. The lid on the scam was lifted when a routine check by staff of Marina Securities revealed some discrepancies in the documents presented by the suspect and the ones the genuine owner of the shares had filed with the defunct Intercontinental Securities Limited. Consequently, the suspect was arrested by the Nigeria Police, and later handed over to the EFCC for further investigation and prosecution. The suspect is alleged to be neck deep in stealing shares of unsuspecting investors and selling them for a commission. He is believed to work for a syndicate and receives 10 percent of the proceeds of any “business” that sails through. His accomplices are still at large. Other names that Asiwaju has used in fraudulent shares sale include, Babajide Odunso and Chief Bolaji Carew. The suspect will be arraigned in court as soon as investigation in concluded.

BOKO HARAM: Nigerian refugees in Cameroon triple in two months –UN

The United Nations has said the population of Nigerian refugees in a Cameroonian camp tripled in two months. The Nigerians have been displaced by the terrorist activities of the Islamic sect, Boko Haram. In a statement issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, also known as the UN Refugee Agency, the organisation cited Cameroonian authorities’ claims that about 13,000 Nigerian refugees had now crossed over from the Nigerian border state of Adamawa after Boko Haram insurgents attacked and captured the town of Mubi in late October. UNHCR warned that “thousands of Nigerians are escaping the deadly threat posed by the terrorist group Boko Haram and fleeing into neighbouring Cameroon.” The organisation said the refugees fled to the Guider and Gashiga towns, northern region of Cameroon, and to Bourha, Mogode and Boukoula in the Far North. The statement said, “Insecurity has been mounting in the border regions between the two countries amid repeated cross-border attacks into northern Cameroon by Boko Haram. As a result, many Nigerians fleeing the violence have sought refuge in Cameroon. “The Minawao refugee camp, for instance, is hosting 16,282 refugees, with the population having nearly tripled in size in the past two months, according to UN estimates. “The current camp capacity is estimated at 35,000 people and further expansions are underway to accommodate the refugees already registered for transfer from the border, as well as possible additional new arrivals.” UNHCR, however, noted that despite the continued attacks, most of the recent 13,000 refugees in Cameroon had already returned to Nigeria, with Yola, Adamawa State capital, as their destination. “The vast majority of them are women and children. They told our teams that many families were forced to flee on foot, taking few belongings with them and walking tens of kilometres before finding safety in Cameroon,” the organisation added. UNHCR said it examined claims by the refugees that they had been forced to return to their country of origin as they re-entered Nigeria, adding that it was seeking “assurances” from both countries that “the return of these people was done on a voluntary basis.” The UN organisation also said recent violence on the Niger-Nigeria border had prompted at least 1,000 Nigerians to escape into Niger’s Bosso area, particularly when the insurgents captured Malam Fatori last week. “The ongoing refugee crisis has seen more than 100,000 people spill over into Niger’s Diffa region since the beginning of 2014, while Cameroon is currently hosting some 44,000 Nigerian refugees. According to authorities, another 2,700 have fled to Chad. “Meanwhile, an estimated 650,000 people remain internally displaced in north-eastern Nigeria due to the insurgency,” UNHCR added.

EBOLA IN US: Ebola patient arrives at US hospital

A surgeon diagnosed with Ebola in his native Sierra Leone arrived Saturday afternoon in the United States, where he will undergo treatment at The Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. “I can confirm a patient with the Ebola virus has landed here,” hospital spokeswoman Taylor Wilson told CNN. While Wilson did not identify the patient, the family of Dr. Martin Salia has previously said he is the patient. Salia, who is a legal permanent resident of the United States, is married to a U.S. citizen, his relatives told CNN Baltimore affiliate WJZ. The U.S. Embassy in Freetown confirmed a flight carrying a doctor recently diagnosed with Ebola departed Saturday (11 p.m. ET on Friday) en route to The Nebraska Medical Center. Taylor confirmed a flight landed carrying an Ebola-stricken patient arrived at 3:51 p.m. local time Saturday. The Sierra Leone team that was caring for the patient characterized him as critically ill, possibly sicker than the first patients successfully treated in the United States, according to a statement from The Nebraska Medical Center. “My sister is very worried and upset,” Salia’s brother-in-law, Ibrahim Kargbo, told CNN, referring to Salia’s wife, Isatu. “Right now, she is pretty devastated. … We’re all just praying he recovers soon.” The doctor was splitting his time between New Carrollton, Maryland, and Sierra Leone, where he works at a Methodist hospital, WJZ reported. “He doesn’t think of himself as someone important,” his son, Maada Salia, told WJZ. “He puts himself down and helps those who really need help.” Salia treated all sorts of patients at the hospital in Sierra Leone — one of three countries most affected by the deadly virus.

Scores killed as Fulani herdsmen invade Nasarawa

Scores have been killed and many others seriously injured as war is raging on in Alakio village of Nasawara. Reports say that Fulani herdsmen are presently ravaging the town.A resident, who simply identified himself as Naphtali told our correspondent on telephone that there is no security presence in the area as many residents are running to Nasawara Eggon town for safety. Details later…

ISIS: Terrorist Group Claims To Have Beheaded US Aid Worker

The video also shows what is believed to be the mass beheading of several Syrian soldiers captured by the group:- The Islamic State group released a video which shows a militant claiming to have beheaded U.S. aid worker Peter Kassig. The graphic video which was released on Saturday, November 15, 2014, shows the black- clad militant standing over a severed head. It is however not confirmed if Kassig, 26 was pictured in the video. Family representatives were not immediately available for comment, Associated Press reports. "This is Peter Edward Kassig, a U.S. citizen, of your country; Peter who fought against the Muslims in Iraq, while serving as a soldier," the militant said in the almost 16-minute video. The video also shows what is believed to be the mass beheading of several Syrian soldiers captured by the group. Kassig, a U.S. Army Ranger, was providing medical aid to Syrians fleeing the country's civil war when he was captured inside Syria on Oct. 1, 2013. His friends say he converted to Islam in captivity and took the first name Abdul-Rahman.

ISIL 'beheads Syria troops and US aid worker'

Online video purports to show killing of at least a dozen Syrian military officers and American Peter Kassig. A video has been circulated online purporting to show members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group beheading several Syrian soldiers and a US aid worker. The footage, released on Sunday, showed the beheading of at least 12 people whom ISIL said were pilots and officers in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's military. The video also showed a bloodied head on the ground, whom ISIL said was that of US aid worker Peter Kassing. "This is Peter Edward Kassig, a US citizen of your country. Peter, who fought against Muslims in Iraq, was serving as a soldier in the American army, does not have much to say," a masked person standing near the head said. "His previous cellmates have already spoken on his behalf." -'Brutal muder'- The White House said the US intelligence community was working to determine the authenticity of the video. If the video is authentic, the White House would be "appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American," National Security Council spokeswoman, Bernadette Meehan, said. In a highly choreographed sequence in the video, the self-declared jihadists marched at least a dozen prisoners said to be Syrian officers and pilots past a wooden box containing long military knives, each ISIL member taking one as they passed. They then forced the men to kneel in a line and decapitated them. Two American journalists and two British aid workers had already been beheaded by ISIL in what the group says are retaliatory killings for the US-led air campaign against its fighters in Iraq and Syria. ISIL has also executed numerous Iraqis and Syrians. In October, the group publicly executed Iraqi news cameraman Raad al-Azzawi and three civilians in northern Iraq, according to the journalist's relatives. Kassig, a 26-year-old from the US state of Indiana, converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman Kassig.

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