Tuesday 28 August 2018

£70m seized from a Nigerian – UK Govt

The United Kingdom says it had returned the sum of £70million recovered from a Nigerian.

The country said the individual was convicted of fraud in an Italian court.
British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr Paul Arkwright, made the disclosure in a chat with journalists in Abuja on Monday.

He said, “There was an Italian court case with a particular person involved.

“A portion of the fund has been in the UK and that was the portion that was returned recently from the UK to Nigeria.

“So, it’s in that context that the 70 million (pounds) was returned.”
Arkwright, who, refused to disclose the identity of the Nigerian, said more funds would be repatriated.

“The British government has no intention of keeping one kobo of Nigerian funds in the UK,” said the diplomat, adding “It all must come back to Nigeria.”

“Just as in Nigeria, the UK feels that the judicial process is important, and we have to go through those processes before the money can be returned.”

Arkwright also confirmed that British Prime Minister Theresa May will visit Nigeria on Wednesday as part of her visit to Africa.

Lifeless President: Itse Sagay reacts to Trump’s statement on Buhari

Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Anti-Corruption (PACAC), Prof Itse Sagay (SAN), has reacted to a comment credited to Donald Trump of the United States where he described President Muhammadu Buhari as lifeless.

Trump referred to his Nigerian counterpart Muhammadu Buhari as “lifeless”, shortly after a meeting between the two leaders on April 30, Financial Times reported on Monday.
After the meeting at a joint press conference, Trump said he had in implicit belief in Buhari to rein in the “massive corruption” in the country and commended his efforts at doing that.

“Nigeria has a reputation for very massive corruption. I also know that the President has been able to cut that down very substantially,” Trump said.

“We talked about that, he is working on it and they have made a lot of progress and I think they will continue to make a lot of progress.”

Reacting via a terse statement, Sagay said he did not believe Trump could have made the “irresponsible comment”.

He alerted Nigerians to be wary of fake news being peddled on the social media.

He said: “How could the U.S. President say Buhari as lifeless? I don’t believe President Trump made such irresponsible comment. If the source of the comment in question is social media, I won’t waste time on it. It is all lies; it is fake news.

“I hardly react to fake news being peddled on social media. I don’t believe any right-thinking person would see President Buhari and say he is lifeless. Only a mad man would have made such comment being ascribed to the U.S. President.”

FEBRUARY 20, 2017: Buhari will die unless I am not called by God – Prophet Chukwudi claims

Prophet Emmanuel Chukwudi of King of Kings Deliverance Church has again prophesied ‘doom’ on President Muhammadu Buhari.

The prophet also made startling revelations concerning the future of governance in the United States.
Recall that Prophet Chukwudi, among his prophecies for 2017, had said
President Buhari would die before 2019 ends..

But the fiery prophet reinstated his stand on the prophecy, saying if Buhari did not die in office, then he (Prophet Chukwudi) was not called by God.
He made the fresh revelation during Sunday’s service at his church in Mgbo Court, Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi state.

He said, “Long time ago, I asked all to pray for their master, that he needed urgent prayers to avert the calamity of death at Aso Rock, but they were lazy.

“No one has bothered to reach me, now see what is happening. They don’t want to come for prayers. Things will get worse.

“I said he will be president, today he has become president, I said he will die, see what is happening.

“Nobody wants to come and see the man of God, no one cares. You think it’s like something you can wish away. You cannot wish it away.

“You people around the president, you are sleeping. You won’t do anything to pray for him.

“Let me tell you, until you come before the man of God, and kneel down and pray for the president, you are also heaping curses upon yourself.

“You think the calamity will visit only him? It will visit those who also heard and refused to do anything to save the president.

“While it’s still early, seek the face of God for the sake of Nigeria for the sake of President Buhari, and save the situation.

“But the Lord has even said that you will suffer due to your obstinate mind.

“Unless one arises to save the president, he shall never rule beyond one term.

“He shall certainly die in office, says the Lord, unless I am not God, says the Lord,” the prophet added.

Speaking further, he said former president of the US, Barack Obama, will join forces with certain elements in a fierce battle to oust President Donald Trump ‘If urgent steps are not taken, I see his presidency shaking.’

“They have vowed to make his government uncomfortable. Obama and other enemies of Trump are the ones behind it, and they are planning to remove him”, he claimed.

LAMENTATION: I regret ever supporting Buhari against Jonathan – Kwankwaso

Former Kano State Governor and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential aspirant, Senator Rabiu Kwankwaso has declared that he regretted ever supporting President Muhammadu Buhari in 2014 against the then President Goodluck Jonathan.
Kwankwaso said he and other people that dumped the PDP to bring in Buhari as president were currently regretting their actions.
Kwankwaso, who was in Owerri, the Imo state capital on a consultation visit to PDP members, condemned President Buhari’s approach to “reviving the nation’s economy”.

According to him, “Nigerians are fed up with the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) “and would be happy seeing PDP return to power.

“I am sure other people like me that dumped the PDP to support President Muhammadu Buhari in 2014 against the then President Goodluck Jonathan are currently regretting their actions.”
He added, “from North to South, the citizens are looking for a government that would not pay emphasis on religion, ethnicity and culture but national development. PDP’s government in 2019 shall bring development and create the adequate platforms that provide jobs for teeming Nigerians.

“I have been in Southeast in last few days and I want to say that the state of infrastructure in this region is incredible. It is either that the government lacks the capacity to improve the economy or something. Electricity is important in this country. The people need a government that will be just and provide jobs for teeming young Nigerians”.

Buhari under fire for placing national security above rule of law

Legal practitioners and civil society organizations have condemned President Muhammadu Buhari’s statement at the opening ceremony of the Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on Monday.

The President, in his speech, urged lawyers to put national security over and above the rule of law.
Reacting, Ebun-olu Adegboruwa, in a statement on Tuesday, said Buhari’s declaration was a great set back for Nigeria’s democracy and national development.

He wrote: “National Security has no definition, it has no limit; it is amorphous and panders to individual discretion. It is the rule of the Executive Arm of Government alone, being the one responsible for policy implementation and the determination of security imperatives.

“National Security It is the rule and decision of individuals, such as the Inspector-General of Police or the Commander in Chief. Such rules are always subject to manifest abuses, especially in respect of opposition politics. That has been the experience in Nigeria.

“On the other hand, the rule of law is defined, basic, predictable and even subject to review; it helps to predict and govern human conduct. The rule of law limits and interpose upon the rule of self all forms of arbitrariness and is thus preferable to the whims and caprices of individuals.
“The point of convergence with the President however is that those who have prima facie cases of any malfeasance should not deploy the rule of law to avoid liability, especially when it concerns plainly intolerable economic crimes. In such a situation, what constitutes National Security and National Interest should still be determined through the due process of law.

“The daily narration of tales of mind boggling abuses, under the past administration, should serve as some kind of discouragement, in elevating national security beyond the dictates of law. In Nigeria presently, our collective wealth and resources are being pilfered by our leaders in the name of national security.

“To postulate that national security should override rule of law consideration may unwittingly portray one as harboring dictatorial intentions, for preferring national security as priority for governance.

“It is a dangerous proposition as we approach 2019. Taken to its proper interpretation, it may be taken to be an advance notice to the people of Nigeria, to brace up for likely threats to their rights and liberties, in the coming days.

“Whereas we all support the President in the fight against corruption and terrorism, it is still necessary to allow the rule of law to have the pride of place in all spheres of governance.

“I therefore humbly appeal to the President to accommodate the supreme law of our land, the Constitution, which already contains enough provisions to integrate national security within the due process of law.

“Nigeria itself as a nation, was created by law, the offices of the President and indeed all those saddled with the determination and preservation of national security, were all created by law. Thus, everybody and everything, can find their roots and bearings, under the rule of law.”

Also weighing in, the Citizens Advocacy for Social & Economic Rights (CASER) expressed disappointment at the president’s speech.
CASER’s Executive Director, Frank Tietie, said even during a war, there was still respect for the rule of law.
In a statement, he said at no time in any democratic country and the international community, is law, especially human rights, suspended.

“President Muhammadu Buhari cannot use national security or national interest to justify his government’s disobedience to orders of court directing it to either grant bail to specific citizens or commanding it to perform specific acts.

“The President was quick to cite the position of the Supreme Court in balancing national security and human rights or the rule of law but he has failed to recognise that it is only pronouncements from the courts that ultimately determine what is right or wrong. It is not the place of the government to determine what constitutes national security to warrant the disobedience of court orders.

“Rather it is the role of the courts to determine whether or not bail, for instance, should be granted to a citizen, having considerations to national security or national interest. The courts have so decided regarding the Dasuki. In the absence of a valid appeal, the government must comply to the directives of the court forthwith.

“There can no longer be any justifiable reason why the government would continue to keep Col. Sambo Dasuki in detention despite direct court orders granting him bail. The release of Col. Dasuki on bail cannot be plausibly shown to be of any threat to national security to the extent that the government would think the courts didn’t know what they had done by granting him bail.

“We should be ashamed as a country and a people since the liberty of just one man called Dasuki would constitute such a threat to national security to the extent that we would allow the government to begin a process of destroying the foundations of our democracy.

“Indeed, with all the arsenal of intelligence and organized force of Nigerian security agencies, it would be indeed shameful for a citizen like Dasuki, now an ordinary man, to pose such a threat and fear to the government. The government is even afraid to try him openly. It would therefore be wise for the government to make known to the courts and the Nigerian people what it really fears about Dasuki. He is just an ordinary man right now.

“Dasuki should be granted bail immediately because he is a citizen of Nigeria and more especially, the courts have so directed.

“President Buhari made the assertion on the derogation of the rule of law in a large gathering of lawyers. The influential lawyers present at the occasion did not seize the opportunity to correct the President by stating to him that law, especially as pronounced by the courts, is supreme.

“That neither national security nor national interest as determined by one man or a few men in government should be the basis for disobeying court orders. The government must approach the courts with such evidence before it can continue to detain him if the courts agree and do say so.

“Since the NBA missed the opportunity to correct the President at that gathering, it now has a duty, not only to correct the President but to first convince itself that it is always in the best interest of a country and in furtherance of its national security, when all authorities, institutions and persons are subject to the rule of law as pronounced by the courts.”

Buhari: Fani-Kayode reacts to Trump’s comment, President’s stand on rule of law

Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, has reacted to President Donald Trump’s description of President Muhammadu Buhari as “lifeless”.

Trump reportedly made the statement shortly after a meeting between the two leaders on April 30.

Buhari, the first sub-Saharan Africa president to meet Trump since he was sworn in as the 45th American president, was in the US for bilateral talks.

After the meeting, Trump, according to the Financial Times, told his aides that he never wanted to meet someone as “lifeless” as Buhari again.

Reacting, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain said Buhari’s actions had caused him ridicule.

The former minister also condemned Buhari’s statement at the opening ceremony of the Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on Monday.
The President, in his speech, urged lawyers to put national security over and above the rule of law.

On Tuesday, Fani-Kayode said: “The greatest threat to national security and the national interest is a President that cannot appreciate the sanctity of the rule of law and the sacrosanct nature of the constitution.

“If this rhetoric of national interest and national security being more important than the rule of law continues it will have grave, disastrous and cataclysmic consequences for our country.

“It will lead to strong resistance, subversion of the state, conflict, war and the disintegration of Nigeria.

“This is because we are not prepared to live in or accept the imposition of a totalitarian police state where dissent, opposition, free speech, human rights and civil liberties have no place.”

Monday 27 August 2018

Richest/Wealthiest Politicians in Nigeria 2018

Politics in Nigeria is a dirty game and those who play it are called politicians. These set of people are rich or wealthy, earning or looting money through the stroke of their signatures. You might want to know who are the richest politicians in Nigeria 2018 and their net worth. This write-up will expose them.

In no particular order, below is the list of top 10 richest politicians in Nigeria currently in 2018

-Ibrahim Babangida

He is also known as “IBB” and the wealthiest politician in the Nigeria. He was a former military president of the country. Born August 17, 1941 in Minna, Niger State, it was he who annulled the popular June 12 election that Chief MKO Abiola won in 1991. It is said that he owns one of the most expensive mansions in Nigeria and Africa. His net worth is estimated to be around $50 Billion.

Olusegun Obasanjo

He is also known as “OBJ” or “Baba” and he is taunted as one of the most influential politicians in Yoruba land and in Nigeria. He hails from Ogun state where he owns the gigantic Otta Farms and other businesses and investments in the country. He’s reported to be worth $1.6 Billion. He was Nigeria’s former military head of state between from 1976 to 1979 and was democratically elected as president between May 1999 to May 2007.

Rochas Okorocha

Third on the list is Rochas Okorocha from Imo state, who also is falls under the list of richest politicians in Igbo land. Born on 22 September 1962, he is said to be a wealthy multi-billionaire who owns various businesses before he joined politics. He won the Imo state governorship elections in 2011 and 2015 respectively. Rochas is reportedly worth around $1.5 Billion.

Ben Murray-Bruce

Born 18 February 1956, He is the chairman of the popular “Silverbird Group” and represents Bayelsa East constituency currently in the senate house. Ben Bruce is referred to as the most social politician in Nigeria or better still ” Mr common sense”. He is also one of the richest senators in Nigeria with a net worth estimated to be around $715 million.

Atiku Abubakar

Atiku was one time Nigeria’s vice president under Obasanjo’s regime from May 1999 to May 2007. He was also former comptroller general of the customs owns a logistics company. He also founded the American University of Nigeria (AUN) in 2005.
Atiku’s net worth is estimated at $1.4 Billion.

Bola Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu popularly called Jagaban is the most successful politician in Lagos state. Born on 29 March 1952, he was a former senator and former Lagos state governor before he was succeeded by Babatunde Raji Fashola. He is the APC’s party leader and a political god-father to many who is worth $1.5 billion.

Dino Melaye

Melaye is a rich senator representing the people of Kogi east in the senate house. He was recently involved in a controversy with Mrs Oluremi Tinubu, wife of Bola Ahmed Tinubu. He is known to be a vocal senator who speaks on how awful Nigerian politics is being run. He owns fleet of cars, motorcycles and landed properties and his net worth is estimated to be about $802 million.

Ifeanyi Ubah

Ifeanyi was known to have made his first million Naira at the little age of 19. He hails from Nnewi in Anambra state and is among the wealthiest business men in igbo land. His businesses apart from the capital oil and gas includes a spare part export company, a real estate company, a transport company, and a football club. It is known that he has ambitions to be the governor of Anambra state. His net worth is estimated at $1.7 billion.

Rotimi Amaechi

Born on 27 May 1965, he was Rivers state governor serving two terms from May 2007 to May 2015. He is the current minister of transportation under the Buhari APC led government. His net worth is estimated at $780 million.

Adamu Mu’Azu

He was former governor of Bauchi state and has a net worth reportedly estimated at $895 million.

Sunday 26 August 2018

8 notorious criminals Nigerians can never forget

In the history of Nigeria, there has been a history of crime and criminals who have become folk heroes and legends in themselves.
Some of them have had their names entrenched in the history of the country as bandits who almost debilitated the nation but whatever way you look at them, they deserve the roll call of heroes and villains are made.
Here are the most notorious criminals Nigerians can never forget.

1. Lawrence Nomanyagbon Anini aka The Law

For those who grew in the 80s, the name
Lawrence Nomanyagbon Anini can never be forgotten as one of Nigeria's most notorious armed robbers who reigned supreme in the old Bendel State, now Edo and Delta.

Anini also known as The Law, reigned supreme in the 80s and was so bloody that his matter was even discussed at the State Security Council meeting in the General Ibrahim Babangida's regime.
Born in 1960 in a village about 20 miles from Benin City in present day Edo State, Anini migrated to Benin at an early age, learned to drive and became a skilled taxi driver, before he took to crime and quickly became a much-feared gang leader whose approach got people trembling.
His gang members included Monday Osunbor, later known to be a dreaded killer without mercy, Friday Ofege, Henry Ekponwan, Phillip Iwebelue, Prince Kingsley Eweka, and others.
Starting out as car snatchers, bus robbers and bank thieves predominantly in Benin, Anini, and his gang extended his criminal acts to other towns and cities in other states in the country.
Anini was also able to penetrate the police echelon and had some top officers as his gun suppliers and informants, the biggest of them being
Inspector George Iyamu who benefited immensely from the gang.
In an operation in August of 1986, the Anini team struck at First Bank, Sabongida-Ora, where they carted away N2, 000.
But although the amount stolen was seen as chicken feed, they left the scene with a trail of blood as many persons were killed.
On September 6, same year, the Anini gang snatched a Peugeot 504 car from
Albert Otoe , the driver of an Assistant Inspector General of Police, Christopher Omeben. In snatching the car, they killed the driver and went to hide his corpse somewhere.
It was not until three months later that the skeleton of the driver was spotted 16 kilometers away from Benin, along the Benin-Agbor highway. A day after this attack, Anini, operating in a Passat car believed to have been stolen, also effected the snatching of another Peugeot 504 car near the former FEDECO office, in Benin.
Two days after, the Anini men killed two policemen in Orhiowon Local Government Area of the state. Still, in that month, three different robbery attacks, all pointing to Anini’s involvement, took place.
A day after the operation, Anini, The Law, turned to a ‘Father Christmas’ as he threw wads of Naira notes on the ground for free pick by market men and women at a village near Benin.
Anini thus spear-headed a four-month reign of terror between August and December 1986. Anini also reportedly wrote numerous letters to media houses using political tones of Robin Hood-like words, to describe his criminal acts.
Even the Military Head of State, Gen. Babangida got worried over the activities of Anini and asked the then Inspector General of Police, Etim Inyang where the bandit was and gave him the mandate to get him dead or alive.
Such was his prowess and myth.
Anini was finally arrested in a major operation led by Superintendent of Police Kayode Uanreroro, who brought his reign of terror to an end.
He was nabbed on December 3, 1986, at No. 26, Oyemwosa Street, opposite Iguodala Primary School, Benin City, in company of six women, following a tip-off by residents of the area.
Anini who was confined to a wheelchair throughout his trial following the amputation of one of his legs was sentenced to death by Justice James Omo-Agege of the Benin High Court and was executed on March 29, 1987.

2. 'Doctor' Ishola Oyenusi

Naturally, 'Doctor' Ishola Oyenusi should have taken the top spot on this list going by the fact that he was the first known armed robber in the country.
But Anini's exploits in the underworld took the shine off Oyenusi.
In the history of crime in Nigeria, Oyenusi, was a cold-blooded armed robber who held sway in the early 70s, stands on a very special threshold that none can ever dream of attaining.
He took the nation by storm shortly after the Civil War ended and before he was executed on Wednesday, September 8, 1971, at the famous Bar Beach show in front of 30,000 watching Nigerians, no one believed that 'The Doctor' would be captured, as he was famed for 'disappearing' or his body not penetrable by bullets.

In fact, he must have had so much faith in his charms that he smiled all the way to the stake and even as soldiers aimed their rifles at him and his co-criminals, Oyenusi still radiated an aura of invincibility.
The phenomenal armed robber rose from the ashes of the Nigerian-Biafran Civil War that spanned three years, from 1967-1970.
Oyenusi was a charismatic, cocksure gangster whose lordly disdain for the law cast the terrifying portent of social breakdown, and had come to be celebrated as the quintessential bandit of his time.
During his reign of terror, 'Doctor' Oyenusi carved a name for himself as the most brutal terror the country had ever known and lived up to another of his nickname of 'Dr. Rob and Kill', because he was known to kill with impunity and his myth was legendary.
He unleashed boundless terror on many Nigerians and would kill even for a stick of cigarette. Oyenusi was no doubt, the uncrowned emperor of Nigerian robbers and he was described as the ‘first celebrated armed robber in Nigeria’, regarded by some as the pioneer of conventional armed robbery in Nigeria.
When Oyenusi reigned at the height of his regal confidence, he declared: ‘The bullet has no power over me.‘
Legend has it that Oyenusi got into active robbery back in 1959, but he committed his first major robbery when he snatched a car along Herbert Macaulay Road in Yaba, Lagos, and killing its owner in the process, just because his girlfriend was broke and needed money to buy her make-up.
He eventually sold the car for £400 (Nigeria's currency then) and handed the money to the lady. He actually snatched the first car he saw on the road. Such was the ferocious nature of his audacity.

By the end of the Civil War, Oyenusi had metamorphosed into a cold-hearted robber who took delight in causing pains to his victims.
Oyenusi’s arrogance was also legendary. In 1970, he was arrested and handcuffed by a police officer. As the policeman was ordering him around, Oyenusi blasted him and thundered: ‘People like you don’t talk to me like that when I am armed. I gun them down.’
The last robbery that did him in was when he and his gang attacked the WAHUM factory in Ikeja in March 1971, where they stole the princely sum of £28,000, which was unprecedented in those days. A police officer was also killed in the process.
'Doctor' Ishola Oyenusi's execution was celebrated by relieved Nigerians who trooped out en-masse to the Bar Beach in Lagos to witness the end of a man who had held the country to ransom.
As the crowd thronged the Beach, jeering and booing Oyenusi and his band of six convicted robbers, the man of the moment kept smiling and waving at them but shortly before his body was riddled with hot-leaded bullets from stern-faced soldiers of the Nigerian Army, he finally screamed: ‘I am dying for the offense I have committed.‘
3. Abiodun Egunjobi aka Godogodo
Abiodun Egunjobi, alias Godogodo , was the modern day version of Lawrence Anini. The one-eyed monster was one of the deadliest armed robbers Nigeria ever had » .
The 36-years-old Godogodo rose from being a slum boy to the leader of a gang that defied all reasons, struck with precision, killed without mercy and terrorized Lagos and the south-west with reckless abandon.
Before his arrest on August 1, 2013, Godogodo gave the Lagos State Police Command so much headache for 14 years, so much so that on the day he was arrested, the command erupted in joy: at least its men would be safe from his guns.
Originally from Ogun State, Egunjobi was on the wanted list of the police for over 10 years and the way he managed to evade the police is still legendary.
In fact, he was at a time, on the top of the Most Wanted list of the Command with several Police Commissioners assigning the toughest of cops on his trail.
At that time, any robbery in Lagos had the imprint of Godogodo, with him leading or one of his boys being responsible. He was famed for leading many robbery operations, especially on banks, with the infamous reputation of killing over 100 policemen in Lagos State.
Godogodo allegedly went for operations with a bag containing 10 fully loaded AK 47 rifles with 30 rounds of ammunition each and as such, he was fully prepared in terms of weapons on his back.
It was gathered that Godogodo used to tell his gang members that he would never be arrested alive and had vowed to go down with as many policemen as possible on the day he is unable to escape arrest.
This vow was later found to be real, as anti-robbery detectives recovered several loaded AK47s, each with 60 rounds of live ammunition, from different parts of his residence, including the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, sitting room on the day of his arrest.
He was so good at disguising his criminal activities that even his wife and family members never knew what he was into. He had six houses in different locations including Lagos, Ogun and Ondo States, and never stayed in a particular location for more than a month.
Godogodo began his voyage into the deadly world of crime after spending seven years in prison for what he considered a minor offence.
As a scrap dealer in the slum of Gatankowa, Abule-Egba, he was involved in a fight and the police arrested him. With no one to bail him out, Godogodo was sent to jail and in his mind, he believed his going to prison was an injustice and blamed the police for it.
While in prison, he became acquainted with more deadly armed robbers and formed an alliance with them and took the time to understudy them. When he finally left prison, he decided that he was going to deal with the police for sending him to prison for seven years.
During his interrogation, Godogodo told the police that he took only raw cash during his operations and would only attack a place he knew there would be enough cash to cart away. He also said he doesn’t have any bank account as he invested all his money in the property immediately after each operation.
Abbey Godogodo visited many Lagosians with sorrow, tears, and blood. Many would not forget Sunday, September 9, 2012, when he and his gang terrorized the state and left indelible marks in the minds of many families after he led a coordinated attack in the city where many innocent people including policemen lost their lives.
He revealed how he coordinated the bloody operation and gave chilling details of how he led members of his gang to cart away millions of Dollars from bureau de change operators in Agege and Gbagada areas of Lagos.
The Lagos State Police Command led by the then Commissioner, Umar Manko , mandated the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), led by Superintendent of Police, Abba Kyari , to bring an end to the reign of Abbey Godogodo and that began intensive investigations which led to the capitulation of his empire.
Manko was given direct orders by the then Inspector General of Police to make sure the Godogodo phenomenon was quashed at all cost.
After the gang attacked the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, where two police inspectors and more than five people were killed and over N100 million stolen, the police decided to focus on profiling the suspect, because, up to that point, no one knew anything about him or what he looked like. The police also began looking at the possibility of preempting his subsequent operations.

4. Okwudili Ndiwe aka Derico

Okwudili Ndiwe, alias Derico Nwamama , was also one of the deadliest armed robbers to have come out of the Nigeria.
In the early 2000s, the 22-year-old Derico Nwamama was probably the King of the Underworld in the Eastern parts of the country; a clear replication of the likes of Lawrence Anini and Ishola Oyenusi.
Derico had risen from a street urchin and pick pocket to a dreaded crime king and the mere mention of his name sent shivers down the spines of traders and residents of Onitsha, the commercial capital of Anambra State, and other parts of the east.
The traders could not display their wares with peace while many slept with one eye open. Derico sacked commercial banks in Onitsha, carting away millions of Naira. Travelers who had to pass through the state held their breaths, expecting the hoodlum to strike at any time.
The then Governor of the state,
Chinwoke Mbadinuju , became an old man over night with worries on how to handle the menace of Derico.
He was described as the personification of terror. From Nnewi to Nkpor, from the villages in Umuleri to towns in Ihiala, the old and young were terrified at the mere whisper of Derico Nwamama.
At that time, he was said to be invisible and could not be arrested. The dreaded Bakassi Boys went on a manhunt for the man known to kill without batting an eyelid.
According to legend, Derico Nwamama had killed over 100 people including 25 police officers whose lives he mercilessly wasted. He was a master of countless bus robberies and will not blink twice before pumping his hot lead bullets into the beating hearts of hapless victims.
And after his successful raids, he would boast and declare himself invincible. » Derico seemed to have placed a lot of faith and confidence in the charms prepared for him by the traditional witch-doctors.
With the police and other security forces unable to bring Derico Nwamama and his terror regime to a close, the onus fell on the Bakassi Boys, the militant wing of the Anambra Vigilante Services (AVS), a local vigilante group set up to curb crime and criminality in the South East.

The group were then at the forefront of the hunt and capture of Derico Nwamama and on Tuesday, July 3, 2001, the hitherto invisible criminal was nabbed on his way to Onitsha from Agbor, ostensibly on one of his crime spree.
On July 9, 2001, six days after Derico was captured at the Niger Bridge, the Bakassi Boys did to him what many had earlier predicted. Chanting war songs, they drove in their convoy around the town and ended at the Ochanja Market Junction along the popular Upper Iweka Road in Onitsha.
Derico was dragged out from the bus, looking gaunt and severely beaten, a trademark of the vigilante group. His body bore cuts and gashes, a testament to what he must have gone through in their hands. He must also have known that the day of reckoning has come.
He was in obvious pains but no one seemed to care. Still chanting war songs and egged on by the enchanted crowd, one of the commanders of the Bakassi Boys named Okpompi, addressed the crowd, telling them they were in the state not for politics but to fight crime.
He handed over the microphone to the now trembling Derico who, like a cornered fox, began begging for his life to be spared. He made feeble attempts at declaring his innocence:
“My name is Oddy, alias Derico, alias Nwa Mama. I appeal to you the people of Anambra State, please don’t kill me, I don’t like evil. It was when I killed Chiejina that people thought I am a strong guy, you know.
I trust Bakassi Boys. They are strong. Please, mercy for me. Nobody can identify me as having robbed him. People just believe that I am a strong guy.”
What was to follow remains one of the most macabre displays of public executions in Nigeria. With the speed of a guillotine, a cutlass handled in the strong arm of one of the Bakassi Boys flew and came down with an unforgiving thud, landing on Derico’s slim neck. In a flash, Derico was beheaded.
His severed head rolled on the floor before the crowd while his convulsing body collapsed on the ground, with bright-red blood gushing from his carotid arteries. .

5. Kayode Williams

Before he became a man of God and the Director-General of Prison Rehabilitation Mission International (PREMI), and the Presiding Bishop of Christ Vessel of Grace Church, Bishop Kayode Williams
was one of Nigeria most notorious armed robbers.
He was a member of the Ishola Oyenusi gang who stood out when his boss was captured. He was known to be a dreaded robber who wasted no time in killing his victims. During a confession years ago, Bishop Willams narrated how he pounded little babies and used them for spiritual fortification.
He was converted to Christianity while serving a 10-year jail term and since then, he has not looked back in preaching to prisoners and trying all he can to rehabilitate them.

6. Monday Osunbor

Legend has it that Monday Osunbor was the main man behind the dreaded Lawrence Anini gang. He was known as the executioner and sharp shooter.
Though not much was known of him during the Anini trial as his leader took the shine off him, it was gathered that he was a short-tempered stammerer who did not hesitate in killing their victims.
He was executed alongside Anini in 1987.

7. Shina Rambo

The name Shina Rambo has refused to go away from the consciousness of Nigerians who either witnessed his crime spree or were unfortunate to live in that era.
The Abeokuta, Ogun State-born Rambo was a terror in the 90s and the brain behind many crimes in the Western parts of the country where he robbed and killed with impunity.
He was so feared even by the police that many thought he was invisible as he was thought to disappear anytime the police closed in on him.
It is believed that the policemen who killed him did not even know that it was Shina Rambo.
He was said to be on his way to Lanrewaju Motors to buy a Pathfinder SUV when he was apprehended by the police on the Ojota New Garage Long Bridge.
Rambo was not the one driving when the police stopped him and his gang, they discovered a lot of money in a cartoon in the trunk of the Datsun car.
When they started questioning him on the possession of such huge an amount, an argument ensued and he attempted to disarm one of the policemen.
It was one of the policemen at the other side of the road who shot Rambo down. It was said that it was easy to shoot him because he was not with his charms since he was not going for an operation.
However, another account has it that the person killed was not the real Shina Rambo as another ex-bandit who claimed to be the real Rambo, is now a man of God by the name Mathew Oluwanifemi.
In his confession a few years ago, pastor Oluwanifemi described himself as a hardened criminal, a terror, and killer.
He narrated how he specialized in robbing exotic cars on highways and banks and that nothing could stop him, not even security operatives as he was totally invincible.

8. Isiaka Busari aka Mighty Joe

Shortly after the notorious kingpin of armed robbery in Nigeria, Ishola Oyenusi was executed, his second in command, Isiaka Busari, better known as Mighty Joe, took over the scene and became the defacto king of the underground.
Nigeria was still coming out of the pangs of the civil war and with the death of Oyenusi, they thought the era of violent crimes had been nipped in the bud but little did they know that another hoodlum would spring up and become deadlier.
In Mighty Joe's gang were ex-soldiers who were demobilized and with their know how in the handling of guns and other deadly weapons, they held the nation, particularly the South West, to ransom, robbing and killing with reckless abandon.
Mighty Joe was even deadlier than Oyenusi and was known to operate at anytime he felt like and taking a human's life was nothing to him.
For many years, he constituted himself a big terror to the people of Lagos, the then Federal Capital, especially around Mushin where he lived and practiced his trade.
He strode the hemisphere like a colossus from 1971 when his boss was killed, till 1973 when he was nabbed after robbing a hotel bar attendant, Michael Osayunana, of the sum of ₦10.
The arrest of Mighty Joe, according to legend, was as dramatic as his reign of terror. The self-styled ‘Strongman of Idi Oro’ was caught when someone he had earlier robbed, recognized him and fingered him to the police and he was nabbed without any fight, as against his various boasts that no man born of a woman can arrest him due to his strong belief in his spiritual powers.
He was said to pay some herbalists huge amounts to prepare charms for him so that he would remain invincible.
While he was in prison awaiting his day at the Bar Beach, Mighty Joe converted to Islam and even offered prayers that the execution is reverted. That was never to be.
After he was tied to the stakes, he was asked to say his last words and he blurted:
"May God bless everybody, both my friends and enemies. Tell my wife, my mother and my in-law to keep fit."

Thursday 23 August 2018

Man arraigned for allegedly impersonating gospel musician, duping Americans

A 24-year-old computer engineer, Ayodeji Folarin, was on Thursday docked at an Ikeja High Court for allegedly impersonating the famous gospel artiste, Lara George, and defrauding three Americans of $8,500 in the process.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mr Folarin is facing a four-count charge of obtaining money by false pretences and possession of documents containing false pretence.
The charges were proffered against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
The computer engineer, who resides at No. 2, Folarin St., Obada Oko in Abeokuta, Ogun, however, denied the charges.
Temitope Banjo, the prosecuting counsel to the EFCC, told the court that the defendant defrauded the foreigners between January and December 2016 in Ikeja, Lagos.
“While posing as Lara George and with the intent to defraud, he obtained the sum of $8,500 from Trevor Dawe, Rick Cuewo and Stephen Wilson who are all citizens of the United States of America.
“On June 2018, Folarin had in his possession, a World Lottery Organisation Winning Certificate and Affidavit of Common Law Marriage which all contained false pretences.
“The defendant also had in his possession emails containing false pretences,” Mr Banjo said.
According to the EFCC, the offences contravened Sections 1(3), 6 and 8(b) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Related Offences Act 2006.
Following Mr Folarin’s plea, his defence counsel, Samuel Shodipo, requested that bail be granted to the defendant in the most liberal terms.
The vacation judge, Justice Obafemi Adamson, however, ordered that the defendant be remanded at the Ikoyi Prisons.
Justice Adamson directed that the case file should also be taken to the Court Registry for assignment to another judge who will hear the case.


U.S.-China trade war escalates as new tariffs kick in

The U.S. and China escalated their acrimonious trade war on Thursday, implementing punitive 25 per cent tariffs on 16 billion dollars worth of each other’s goods, even as mid-level officials from both sides resumed talks in Washington.
The world’s two largest economies have now slapped tit-for-tat tariffs on a combined 100 billion dollars of products since early July, with more in the pipeline, adding to risks to global economic growth.
China’s Commerce Ministry said Washington was “remaining obstinate” by implementing the latest tariffs, which kicked-in on both sides as scheduled at 12.01 noon in Beijing (0401 GMT).
“China resolutely opposes this, and will continue to take necessary countermeasures,” it said in a brief statement, adding that Beijing will file a complaint over the latest tariffs with the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
President Donald Trump has threatened to put duties on almost all of the more than 500 billion dollars of Chinese goods exported to the U.S. annually unless Beijing agrees to sweeping changes to its intellectual property practices, industrial subsidy programmes and tariff structures, and buys more U.S. goods.
That figure would be far more than China imports from the United States, raising concerns that Beijing could consider other forms of retaliation, such as making life more difficult for American firms in China or allowing its yuan currency to weaken further to support its exporters.
Trump administration officials have been divided over how hard to press Beijing, but the White House appears to believe it is winning the trade war as China’s economy slows and its stock markets tumble.
“They’re not going to give that up easily. Naturally they’ll retaliate a little bit,” U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on CNBC on Wednesday at a Century Aluminum smelter in Hawesville, Kentucky, which is restarting idled production lines due to Trump’s aluminum tariffs.
“But at the end of the day, we have many more bullets than they do. They know it. We have a much stronger economy than they have, they know that too,” Ross said.
Economists reckon that every 100 billion dollars of imports hit by tariffs would reduce global trade by around 0.5 per cent.
They have assumed a direct impact on China’s economic growth in 2018 of 0.1-0.3 percentage points, and somewhat less for the United States, but the impact will be bigger in 2019, along with collateral damage for other countries and companies tied into China’s global supply chains.
The tariffs took effect amid two days of talks in Washington between mid-level officials from both sides, the first formal negotiations since U.S. Commerce Secretary met with Chinese economic adviser Liu He in Beijing in June.
Business groups expressed hope that the meeting would mark the start of serious negotiations over Chinese trade and economic policy changes demanded by Trump.
However, Mr Trump on Monday told Reuters in an interview that he did not “anticipate much” from the talks led by U.S. Treasury Under Secretary David Malpass and Chinese Commerce Vice Minister Wang Shouwen.
Mr Trump’s hard line has rattled Beijing and spurred rare criticism within the highest levels of China’s ruling Communist Party over its handling of the trade dispute, sources have said.
Beijing has denied U.S. allegations that it systematically forces the unfair transfer of U.S. technology and has said that it adheres to WTO rules.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang would not reveal any details of the talks during a daily news briefing.
“We hope that the U.S. side can meet China halfway, and with a rational, pragmatic attitude, conscientiously with China get a good result,” Lu said.
The official Xinhua news agency said in a commentary on Thursday that China approached the latest round of talks in good faith, but that Washington remains vague about what it wants.
“As U.S. President Donald Trump said in his book on making deals, ‘the point is that you can’t be too greedy.’ The two sides would hence be advisable to define their top concerns in this round of talks and outline a roadmap, in a bid to find a way out of the current impasse and toward the final settlement of the issues.”
China’s list of 333 U.S. product categories hit with duties includes coal, copper scrap, fuel, steel products, buses and medical equipment.
Though it is too early for trade damage to show up in much economic data as yet, tariffs are beginning to increase costs for consumers and businesses on both sides of the Pacific, forcing companies to adjust their supply chains and pricing, with some U.S. firms looking to decrease their reliance on China.
One executive at a major U.S. manufacturer in China told Reuters the uncertainty about the duration of the trade conflict was more damaging than the tariffs themselves because it made business planning difficult.


Wednesday 22 August 2018

Borno 2019: God, not ‘Abuja politicians’ will choose my successor- Shettima

The Governor of Borno State, Kashim Shettima, said on Tuesday that he does not have knowledge of the person that will succeed him come 2019.
He said he leaves the decision in the hands of God.
The governor was however emphatic that his successor will definitely come from amongst politicians of the younger generation, an age bracket he said some ‘top persons’ in Abuja are not comfortable with.
“I, Kashim Shettima, cannot choose a governor for the people of Borno State. Only Allah can choose a governor for Borno,” he said.
“Whether one likes it or not, Allah has destined who the next governor of Borno will be,” he said.
Mr Shettima who said this while hosting members of his cabinet and party officials to a Sallah lunch at the Government House, spoke in a tone that betrayed the fact that all is still not well within the larger APC family in Borno State.
The governor who came to power in May 2011 is already on his last year as the chief executive of Borno State having served for over seven years now.
This year’s Sallah celebration would be the last Mr Shettima will celebrate as a sitting governor.
He chose the opportunity to deliver what he called a farewell message and also address some of the issues concerning the politics of 2019.
The governor’s speech seemed largely triggered by what he described as ongoing comments from those he tagged as ‘Abuja Politicians’ whom he said have expressed displeasure that Borno State is derailing because governance is left in the hands of “inexperience younger generation”.
“Those Abuja politicians that are saying today that Borno is in the hands of little children, should be reminded that when some of them were governors they are not up to my age,” he said.
Mr Shettima, who is currently aspiring to become a senator did not however speak on his already settled ambition which is to take over the Borno central senatorial seat from the current occupant, Baba Garbai – his political ally.
Mr Garbai was also at the event when Mr Shettima made this statement.
In Borno State, everyone, including those considered very close allies and members of Mr Shettima’s kitchen cabinet are in darkness as to who is likely going to be the governorship candidate of the APC.
When the governor decided to host his colleagues at the Borno State executive council to a luncheon on Tuesday, many who attended were expecting some form of clarity on the issue of 2019.
The only clarity they got was that it will certainly be from the new political order that is powered by the younger generation.
“This might be my last bit lunch with you, but believe me Insha Allah, life is a marathon, and in the fullness of time we will have the cause to celebrate more occasions.
“Electioneering season is around the corner. I want to assure you that Insha-Allah we shall put in our best to see that we leave behind a lasting legacy.
“Sadly, uncomfortably but truthfully, there can never be two captains in a single ship. There are quite a handful of ambitious colleagues of ours, but only one can be a governor. And that governor has been ordained by Allah.
“Kashim Shettima has not power to appoint a governor. I have not power to elect or impose a governor. It is Allah in his infinite mercy that will select the governor for us, Insha Allah. Our prayer is may that person be a symbol of our unity, a beacon of exclusivity, a symbol of a resurgent Borno.
“We are moving from a period of insurgency to that of resurgence. Borno shall rise from the ashes of defeat to greatness”
Governor Shettima inferred that with the Boko Haram insurgency coming to an end, the coming electioneering season might be heralded with what he called political insurgency.
“I call on you all, let us unite as a people; we have survived an insurgency, but we should be very careful because soon those that have lost out in the power game of political leadership are itching to reignite a political insurgency in the state. We have to say no them.
“Where were they when we are going through the harshest time in our contemporary history of Borno? Where were they when we were living under perpetual fear of being attacked; when some of our colleagues have to change three cars before getting to office, just to evade an attack?
“I know of some of us who abandoned their houses and have continued to live in three different hotels here in Maiduguri. I know of you here who could not go to the mosques for prayers except they come to the government house to pray.
“But some clowns who have abandoned Borno for ages, those that have not even given a bowl of rice to assist our displaced people, are now taking the advantage of the peace we have suffered to build by saying that it is only them that will decide and install the next governor of Borno state.”
The governor also expressed his angst with those he called Abuja-based politicians masquerading as elders.
“These Abuja based politicians kept saying Borno is in the hands of children; I finished my secondary school in 1983, some persons finished in 1979, I was in form one and that person was in form four.
“He is just my senior by three years. Some finished secondary school in 1981 and I finished in 1983. But they fail to understand that age is the function of the mind; number is nothing; maturity is in the mind.
“Any person that will not give due regard to fellow human is the one that is immature.
“It is not the matter of being rich. Even one that is elected leader, is not in any way better or more illustrious than any other person.
“Even if it comes to being who is an illustrious son or daughter of Borno, we should know that amongst us here, we have the grand children and princes of the Shehus of Borno (Senator Garbai).”
He also had kind words for Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.
“The vice president, Yemi Osinbajo, is not from the north, he is a Christian from the western part of Nigeria and a pastor of the Redeem Church (RCCG). But he, Vice President Osinbajo, mobilised resources and builds a state-of-the-art school for the Kanuri children of Boko Haram. And 90 per cent of the children to be in that school are of Borno’s Kanuri, Shuwa, Babur and Marghi tribed. And 90 per cent of them are Muslims.
“Where are the so-called elders of Borno who are saying the state is in the hands of kids; what have they done to the state. We know some of them that have four aircraft, we know they are rich. But the wealth that does not benefit your people, we the Kanuris say, is not better than grass.”
Although Mr Shettima did not name any of the “Abuja politicians,” his predecessor, Ali Sheriff, is believed to be one of those he was referring to. Mr Sheriff, a controversial businessman, is believed to be very wealthy. He returned to the APC after the Supreme Court declared he was not the rightful leader of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party. Mr Shettima is believed to be close to officials in the presidency and recently met with President Muhammadu Buhari.

2019: Atiku mocks Buhari over 800 metre walk claim

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar on Wednesday mocked the Presidency over its claim that President Muhammadu Buhari walked 800-metre as evidence of his fitness to run in 2019.
Mr Abubakar, who is eyeing the presidential ticket of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, said he would work to create jobs for Nigerians and not build “illusion”.
The former vice-president was apparently responding to a claim by the Presidency that Mr Buhari walked 800 metre from Eid praying ground in Daura on Tuesday.
Earlier the governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, had last week said that Mr Buhari was “too old” to rule the country beyond 2019.
But the News Agency of Nigeria reported that after the Eid prayers, Mr Buhari shunned protocol and opted to trek some 800 metres, acknowledging cheers from Nigerians who lined up on his home route to catch a glimpse of him.
Presidential spokesperson, Garba Shehu, had said that Mr Buhari demonstrated his fitness to run for a second term by covering that distance on foot.
“I think the President has done one thing today – that the issue is not how old one is but how fit he is; how healthy he is. Now that the president has proven his fitness and well-being, to continue in office is a settled matter,” he said in a statement emailed to PREMIUM TIMES.
Reacting in a message posted on his verified Facebook page Wednesday afternoon, Mr Abubakar lampooned the presidency, saying the claim was “pedestrian”.
“I regularly jog more than a mile and exercise, but it will be pedestrian of me to ask Nigerians to vote for me because of that,” he posted.
“I want my party – the PDP, and Nigerians, to vote for me because I WORK not because I WALK. I will work to create jobs. I won’t walk to create an illusion.”
Mr Abubakar contested the presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress, APC, with Mr Buhari ahead of the 2015 elections. The former vice-president however lost the ticket to the retired army general, who would go ahead to defeat then incumbent Goodluck Jonathan at the polls.
Interestingly, the presidential aide, Mr Shehu, whose statement is being faulted here by Mr Abubakar, was a media aide for more than a decade to the former vice president.
It was Mr Abubakar who nominated him to serve in the present government after he (Mr Abubakar) lost the APC presidential ticket to Mr Buhari.
Mr Abubakar recently returned to the PDP to pursue his presidential ambition, but Mr Shehu has stayed on with President Buhari.
Mr Abubakar served as Nigeria’s vice president between 1999 and 2007, when Olusegun Obasanjo was president.
Few weeks ago, Mr Obasanjo told PREMIUM TIMES God would not forgive him if he supported Mr Abubakar’s presidential ambition.

Offa Robbery: Kwara Governor’s aide wants IGP Idris jailed

The Personal Assistant on Political Matters to Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, Olalekan Alabi, has filed an application before a Kwara State High Court sitting in Ilorin, seeking to commence committal proceedings against the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris, for contempt of court.
Mr Alabi approached the court through his counsel, Adebayo Adelodun, to effect the service of Form 49, which is a notice of committal to prison on the IGP for disobeying court order directing his release from police custody.
The service of Form 49 on the IGP means that he will be summoned by the court to show cause why he should not be committed to prison for having disobeyed the order of court to release Alabi.
Mr Alabi has been in police custody in Abuja since May 30, following his arrest over his alleged link with Offa banks robbery suspects.
However, on August 1, the Kwara State High Court granted him an interim bail after declaring that his continued detention by the police was illegal and unjustifiable.
While granting him an interim bail in the sum of N20 million with two reliable sureties in like sum, Justice A.I. Yusuf held that the police had failed to justify why they have kept the governor’s aide in detention for over two months.
But in flagrant disobedience of the court order, the police have refused to release Mr Alabi from their custody despite perfecting his bail conditions.
This development necessitated the court to on August 14 issue Form 48 to the IGP, which is an initiation of contempt proceeding.

It states that “Take notice that unless you obey the directions contained in the order of the High Court of Justice of Kwara State delivered on the 1st of August, 2018, you will be guilty of contempt of court and will be liable to be committed to prison.”
The IGP has, however, failed to respond to the notice, prompting Alabi to approach the court to serve him Form 49.

Trump furious as lawyer implicates president in hush payments to porn stars, other federal crimes

President Donald Trump lashed out at Michael Cohen on Wednesday, warning people to desist from entering into business ties with the lawyer.
Mr Cohen, who has rendered legal services to Mr Trump for over 12 years, pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight federal crimes. Amongst them the allegations that he made hush payments to Stormy Daniels, an American pornstar whose affairs with the president has made regular headlines in recent months.
“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!,” Mr Trump said in a tweet at 1:44 p.m. (Nigerian time.)
The tweet marks a rapid shift in mood for Mr Trump, who had long denied paying prostitutes from campaign finance while expecting Mr Cohen to keep the deal entirely secret from prosecutors.
Mr Cohen, however, flipped against the president in the courtroom on Tuesday, admitting that Mr Trump, while a presidential candidate, directed him to pay the hush funds for which he was later reimbursed.
American prosecutors said Mr Cohen paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
The lawyer also helped secure a $150,000 payment through the National Enquirer tabloid to former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, who claimed to have had a relationship with Mr Trump some years ago.
Prosecutors found the payments were illegal because they were made by a corporation and also exceeded the maximum permissible donation to a federal candidate.
Mr Cohen was found guilty on other offences bordering on tax evasion, manipulation of bank charges and concealing his income.
Court filings said Mr Cohen “engaged in a scheme to evade income taxes by failing to report more than $4 million in income” between 2012 and 2016.
Prosecutors said he failed to pay $1.3 million in federal taxes. The hidden income came from several sources, but neither Mr Cohen’s account nor the Internal Revenue Service knew of it.
Several other similar payments, running into million of dollars, were also said to have been received by Mr Cohen without proper knowledge of tax authorities and other regulators.
Mr Cohen’s offences could see him spend 65 years behind bars. But Fox News reported on Tuesday that he might be getting only three to five years for entering into a deal with prosecutors.
Mr Cohen’s guilty plea came minutes after a jury found Paul Manafort, a former strong ally of Mr Trump who once served as his campaign chairman during the 2016 elections, guilty of bank fraud and tax fraud.
Mr Manafort was found guilty by a jury in Virginia, following weeks of prosecution by a team that included Uzodinma Asonye, an American lawyer of Nigerian descent. He was said to have worked with foreign agents, including Ukrainians and Russians, to earn illegal payments.
The conviction of Mr Manafort was the first victory for the special counsel Robert Mueller, who was tapped by the United States Department of Justice to lead the inquiry into possible collusion between Mr Trump’s campaign and some Russians during the 2016 elections.
Mr Trump, who has long held that there was no collusion, was quick to react to Mr Manafort’s conviction yesterday, saying it had nothing to do with the Russian probe.
Still, the president expressed his sadness.
“I feel very sad about that. It doesn’t involve me, but I still feel it is a very sad thing that happened. It has nothing to do with Russian collusion,” Mr Trump told reporters when he arrived for a rally in Virginia Tuesday. “This started as Russian collusion. This has absolutely nothing to do. This is a witch hunt that is a disgrace. It has nothing to do with what they started out looking for Russians involved in the campaign.”
Although the immediate consequences of the convictions of his two allies were not immediately certain, some commentators are speculating that it could be the beginning of Mr Trump’s ouster from power.
Critics are already calling for Mr Trump’s impeachment if he failed to resign in the wake of the convictions, especially as many more are still being expected.
Already there are reports that Mr Cohen’s lawyer recently hinted that strong evidence exists that links Mr Trump to federal crimes and it would form the basis for further negotiations with prosecutors.
Mr Trump is likely to be interviewed by Mr Mueller, but the modalities are still being worked out between the special counsel’s office and the president’s legal team.
Republican lawyers are reluctant to join the calls for Mr Trump’s removal from office after the two crucial convictions Tuesday.

Samuel Ogundipe

Tambuwal replies Tinubu, says he can run against Buhari

The Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, has said he has what it takes to compete against president Muhammadu Buhari in the 2019 presidential election.
Mr Tambuwal, who dumped the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), was reacting to a statement by the APC leader, Bola Tinubu.
Mr Tinubu had in a statement on Sunday said the Sokoto State governor left because of his presidential ambition which he said Mr Tambuwal will not be able to actualise.
“Governor Tambuwal’s exit can be distilled to one cause. He covets the presidency. However, he had not the stomach to challenge President Buhari in a primary. Tambuwal felt further insulted that he would be compelled to face a direct primary just to retain the governorship nomination.
“But for the promise made by PDP headliners like Rivers State Governor Wike that he would have the PDP presidential nomination, Tambuwal would not have left. His exit had nothing to do with governance of the nation. It was about forging a personal ambition predicated on the defeat of progressive reform not the advancement of it,” Mr Tinubu said.
Mr Tambuwal last week said he was under pressure from some leaders in and outside Nigeria to run for the presidency.
However, on Monday, Mr Tambuwal replied the APC leader via the state’s official twitter account, @sokotogovthouse, where he denied Mr Tinubu’s allegations.
“If I wanted to and if the Presidency is what (why) Ahmed Tinubu thinks I defected, I could contest with President Buhari under the APC. I have what it takes to have contested with Mr. President.
“Tinubu tried to rock the boat when he was denied Buhari’s vice presidency. He thinks every other person could behave his way. If I wanted to contest under the APC as president, I could have done so and only the votes could have produced a winner.
“In any case, Tinubu is confessing that there is no level-playing ground for all members of the APC; that there is no internal democracy in it and that some people were denied their right to internal democracy,” he tweeted. https://twitter.com/SokotoGovtHouse/status/1031405808490344449?s=19
The governor said automatic ticket from the APC is not why he left the party.
“I adduced reasons of my defection to the PDP. The reasons are still on record. Automatic ticket by the APC is certainly not part of that,” he said.
Mr Tambuwal was not the only one attacked by the APC leader.
Mr Tinubu had said the same of senate president Bukola Saraki.
“Much the same for Senate President Saraki. Returning to the PDP, he harbors dreams of the presidency but Tambuwal’s ambition will dwarf Saraki’s when the two collide. If Saraki had remained in the APC, he would be unable to reclaim his Senate seat let alone the Senate Presidency. He thus bolted because he lusts for the presidency but was promised by the PDP, at least, a return to his position in the Senate,” part of Mr Tinubu’s statement read.
Mr Saraki in a statement on Monday said the reasons advanced by Mr Tinubu were false and mischievous.
He listed as reasons for his exit ‘contempt’ for the National Assembly by the Buhari administration and also vowed to keep his position.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

THE BLACK HERO: Hannibal Barca of Carthage, North Africa

Who is Hannibal ?

In 247 B.C., the year Hannibal Barca was born, the Carthage empire was about 500 years old. Known as one of the greatest strategist in military history, the battles of Hannibal would strike a turning point in the history of the continent that would be called Africa.

Carthage had been settled by Phoenicians as a city-state in North Africa near the current Tunis. In his 1961 work, French Historian Gabriel Audisio comments that he considered "Hannibal to be neither a Phoenician, nor a Carthaginian, nor a Punic, but a North African... The majority of the Punic populace seems to have had African, indeed Negroid, ancestry." Whether described as Carthaginians, Phoenicians, or Punics of North Africa, according to Audisio's research they were certainly a mix of aboriginal North Africans that included the native Berbers, Moors and other groups.
The Phoenicians were a Semitic language people. English writers and speakers can thank the Phoenicians for the current English phonic system. The English Alphabets were borrowed from the Phoenician script. Their cultural influence was wide throughout the Mediterranean Sea nations. They were known as skilled sea merchant traders. They ruled in pre-Roman and pre-historic Iberia (currently Spain and Portugal nations on the Iberian Peninsula), until losing against Rome in the Third Punic War. The city of Carthage was destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC.
There is no picture of Hannibal in existence today. The coin above is frequently presented by commentators as a representation of Hannibal and his legacy of tamed elephants. While this writer was not able to find an academic source for this coin to confirm its date -- which was more than 2,000 years ago. The existence of such coinage during some point during our common age is no surprise in light of Hannibal's historical legacy.
What we do have are descriptions of Hannibal by commentators of his time. According to the Roman historian Levy of the first century of our era, Hannibal was "fearless, utterly prudent in danger, indefatigable, able to endure heat and cold, controlled in eating habits, unpretentious in dress, willing to sleep wrapped in military cloak, a superb rider and horseman." He was the son of the Carthage general Hamilcar Barca. There is no knowledge of his mother in the history records, not even her name. He had two brothers: Hasdrubal resided in Spain and Maharbal was captain of Hannibal's calvary.
Carthage and Rome were at war during the First Punic War (264-241 B.C.). Both empires were seeking supremacy over the Mediterranean. Hannibal's father, Hamilcar Barca, general of the Carthaginian mercenaries, was infuriated about the western Mediterranean losses of Sicily and Sardinia. When Hannibal was 17 years old, however, his father was killed in an ambush in Spain, which was primarily under the rule of the North African empire. Hannibal would son step fully into his military career.
In October 218 B.C., during the Second Punic War, Hannibal had arrived at the Alps. His soldiers are said to have stretched for more than eight miles at the Alps, the foothills of the Roman Empire. Hannibal's army of 100,000 men would trek and fight 1,500 miles to arrive at the Alps from Spain. Hannibal armies included Numidians, North Africans from an area roughly where Algeria now draws its boundaries. The Numidians were known as master horsemen who could guide their horses with their knees, leaving their hands free to use swords and throw javelins.They had fought attacks from European tribes like the Gauls.
Hannibal is said to have given this speech to the army of men who had survived and crossed the swift-flowing Rhone river:

"Why are you afraid?... The greater part of our journey is accomplished. We have surmounted the Pyrenees; we have crossed the Rhone, that mighty river, in spite of the opposition of thousands of Gauls and the fury of the river itself. Now we have the Alps in sight. On the other side of those mountains lies Italy.... Does anyone imagine the Alps to be anything but what they are--lofty mountains. No part of the earth reaches the sky, or is insurmountable to mankind. The Alps produce and support living things. If they are passable by a few men, they are passable to armies."

Hannibal lost half of his army in the first two weeks into the Alps. Landslides were touched off by mountain tribes. Men died during hand battle with tribesmen. Starvation and disease were also companions of the embattled lot. Polybus, a Greek historian and contemporary to Hannibal, described Hannibal's arrival to the Po Valley with about 26,000 men. At the Po Valley, Hannibal is said to have made this speech:

"Soldiers! You have now surmounted not only the ramparts of Italy, but also Rome. You are entering friendly country inhabited by people who hate the Romans as much as we do. The rest of the journey will be smooth and downhill, and, after one, or at most a second battle, you will have the citadel and capital of Italy in your possession."

Commentators have speculated on why Hannibal spoke these words because the men were about to face the most difficult part of the journey. Friends did not await in the Po Valley. Here, the Roman army would meet the men in battle. In retrospect, considering how far the men had come, there really was no going back at this point. The Carthaginians believed that Rome was considering an invasion of Africa. Hannibal believed he had to act through an overland attack on Roman to save Carthage. He would spend 15 years in Italy, winning many battles -- such as the Battle of Cannae where he lost 6,000 troops to Rome's 70,000 troops.

We know Hannibal did not succeed, but are astonished by how close he came to success. The second of the Punic Wars was over. When Hannibal eventually retreated with his army to Carthage, his army was defeated by Scipio Africanus in the Battle of Zama. Always sought by the Romans, when Hannibal was about the age of 64 and to be taken prisoner, he took poison and is recorded to have stated:

"Let us now put an end to the great anxiety of the Romans who have thought it too lengthy and too heavy a task to wait for the death of a hated old man."

Hon. Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Monday 20 August 2018

MAN OF HISTORY: Nostradamus, the man who saw tomorrow (PART 2)

In the last edition of "man of history",  we talked about the biography of Nostradamus, academic histories and his marital life.

Nostradamus was known for great predictions and prophecies.Today we will talk about his hard work which has brought him extraordinary fame all over the world till today.

Nostradamus the Seer

After another visit to Italy, Nostradamus began to move away from medicine and toward the "occult," although evidence suggests that he remained a Roman Catholic and was opposed to the Protestant Reformation.But it seems he could have dabbled in horoscopes ,
necromancy , scrying , and good luck
charms such as the hawthorn rod.Following popular trends, he wrote an almanac for 1550, for the first time in print Latinising his name to Nostradamus. He was so encouraged by the almanac's success that he decided to write one or more annually. Taken together, they are known to have contained at least 6,338 prophecies, as well as at least eleven annual calendars, all of them starting on 1 January and not, as is sometimes supposed, in March. It was mainly in response to the almanacs that the nobility and other prominent persons from far away soon started asking for horoscopes and "psychic" advice from him, though he generally expected his clients to supply the birth charts on which these would be based, rather than calculating them himself as a professional astrologer would have done. When obliged to attempt this himself on the basis of the published tables of the day, he frequently made errors and failed to adjust the figures for his clients' place or time of birth.
He then began his project of writing a book of one thousand mainly French quatrains, which constitute the largely undated prophecies for which he is most famous today. Feeling vulnerable to opposition on religious grounds,however, he devised a method of obscuring his meaning by using "Virgilianised" syntax, word games and a mixture of other languages such as
Greek , Italian, Latin , and Provençal. For technical reasons connected with their publication in three installments (the publisher of the third and last installment seems to have been unwilling to start it in the middle of a "Century," or book of 100 verses), the last fifty-eight quatrains of the seventh "Century" have not survived in any extant edition.

  • The quatrains, published in a book titled Les Propheties (The Prophecies), received a mixed reaction when they were published. Some people thought Nostradamus was a servant of evil, a fake, or insane, while many of the elite evidently thought otherwise. Catherine de' Medici, wife of King Henry II of France , was one of Nostradamus's greatest admirers. After reading his almanacs for 1555, which hinted at unnamed threats to the royal family, she summoned him to Paris to explain them and to draw up horoscopes for her children. At the time, he feared that he would be beheaded, but by the time of his death in 1566, Queen Catherine had made him Counselor and Physician-in-Ordinary to her son, the young King Charles IX of France.

Some accounts of Nostradamus's life state that he was afraid of being persecuted for heresy by the
Inquisition, but neither prophecy nor
astrology fell in this bracket, and he would have been in danger only if he had practised magic to support them. In 1538 he came into conflict with the Church in Agen after an Inquisitor visited the area looking for Anti-Catholic views.His brief imprisonment at Marignane in late 1561 was solely because he had violated a recent royal decree by publishing his 1562 almanac without the prior permission of a bishop.
By 1566, Nostradamus's gout, which had plagued him painfully for many years and made movement very difficult, turned into edema , or dropsy. In late June he summoned his lawyer to draw up an extensive will bequeathing his property plus 3,444 crowns (around $300,000 US today), minus a few debts, to his wife pending her remarriage, in trust for her sons pending their twenty-fifth birthdays and her daughters pending their marriages. This was followed by a much shorter
codicil. On the evening of 1 July, he is alleged to have told his secretary Jean de Chavigny, "You will not find me alive at sunrise." The next morning he was reportedly found dead, lying on the floor next to his bed and a bench (Presage 141 [originally 152] for November 1567 , as posthumously edited by Chavigny to fit what happened).He was buried in the local Franciscan chapel in Salon (part of it now incorporated into the restaurant La Brocherie) but re-interred during the French Revolution in the Collégiale Saint-Laurent, where his tomb remains to this day.

Nostradamus' works

In The Prophecies Nostradamus compiled his collection of major, long-term predictions. The first installment was published in 1555 and contained 353 quatrains. The third edition, with three hundred new quatrains, was reportedly printed in 1558, but now survives as only part of the omnibus edition that was published after his death in 1568. This version contains one unrhymed and 941 rhymed
quatrains , grouped into nine sets of 100 and one of 42, called "Centuries".
Given printing practices at the time (which included type-setting from dictation), no two editions turned out to be identical, and it is relatively rare to find even two copies that are exactly the same. Certainly there is no warrant for assuming—as would-be "code-breakers" are prone to do—that either the spellings or the punctuation of any edition are Nostradamus's originals. [5]
The Almanacs, by far the most popular of his works,were published annually from 1550 until his death. He often published two or three in a year, entitled either Almanachs (detailed predictions), Prognostications or
Presages (more generalised predictions).
Nostradamus was not only a diviner, but a professional healer. It is known that he wrote at least two books on medical science. One was an extremely free translation (or rather a paraphrase) of The Protreptic of Galen (Paraphrase de C. GALIEN, sus l'Exhortation de Menodote aux estudes des bonnes Artz, mesmement Medicine ), and in his so-called Traité des fardemens (basically a medical cookbook containing, once again, materials borrowed mainly from others), he included a description of the methods he used to treat the plague, including bloodletting, none of which apparently worked.The same book also describes the preparation of cosmetics.
A manuscript normally known as the
Orus Apollo also exists in the Lyon municipal library, where upwards of 2,000 original documents relating to Nostradamus are stored under the aegis of Michel Chomarat. It is a purported translation of an ancient Greek work on Egyptian hieroglyphs based on later Latin versions, all of them unfortunately ignorant of the true meanings of the ancient Egyptian script, which was not correctly deciphered until Champollion in the 19th century.
Since his death, only the Prophecies have continued to be popular, but in this case they have been quite extraordinarily so. Over two hundred editions of them have appeared in that time, together with over 2,000 commentaries. Their persistence in popular culture seems to be partly because their vagueness and lack of dating make it easy to quote them selectively after every major dramatic event and retrospectively claim them as "hits"

Origins of The Prophecies

Nostradamus claimed to base his published predictions on judicial astrology—the astrological 'judgment', or assessment, of the 'quality' (and thus potential) of events such as births, weddings, coronations etc.—but was heavily criticised by professional
astrologers of the day such as Laurens Videl for incompetence and for assuming that "comparative horoscopy" (the comparison of future planetary configurations with those accompanying known past events) could actually predict what would happen in the future.
Research suggests that much of his prophetic work paraphrases collections of ancient end-of-the-world prophecies (mainly Bible-based), supplemented with references to historical events and anthologies of omen reports, and then projects those into the future in part with the aid of comparative horoscopy. Hence the many predictions involving ancient figures such as Sulla , Gaius Marius , Nero, and others, as well as his descriptions of "battles in the clouds" and "frogs falling from the sky."Astrology itself is mentioned only twice in Nostradamus's Preface and 41 times in the Centuries themselves, but more frequently in his dedicatory Letter to King Henry II . In the last quatrain of his sixth century he specifically attacks astrologers.
His historical sources include easily identifiable passages from Livy ,
Suetonius ' The Twelve Caesars ,
Plutarch and other classical historians, as well as from medieval chroniclers such as Geoffrey of Villehardouin and
Jean Froissart . Many of his astrological references are taken almost word for word from Richard Roussat 's Livre de l'estat et mutations des temps of 1549–50.
One of his major prophetic sources was evidently the Mirabilis Liber of 1522, which contained a range of prophecies by Pseudo-Methodius , the
Tiburtine Sibyl , Joachim of Fiore,
Savonarola and others (his Preface contains 24 biblical quotations, all but two in the order used by Savonarola). This book had enjoyed considerable success in the 1520s, when it went through half a dozen editions, but did not sustain its influence, perhaps owing to its mostly Latin text, Gothic script and many difficult abbreviations. Nostradamus was one of the first to re-paraphrase these prophecies in French, which may explain why they are credited to him. Modern views of plagiarism did not apply in the 16th century; authors frequently copied and paraphrased passages without acknowledgement, especially from the classics. The latest research suggests that he may in fact have used
bibliomancy for this—randomly selecting a book of history or prophecy and taking his cue from whatever page it happened to fall open at.
Further material was gleaned from the
De honesta disciplina of 1504 by Petrus Crinitus , which included extracts from Michael Psellos's De daemonibus, and the De Mysteriis Aegyptiorum (Concerning the mysteries of Egypt…), a book on Chaldean and Assyrian magic by Iamblichus , a 4th-century Neo-Platonist . Latin versions of both had recently been published in Lyon, and extracts from both are paraphrased (in the second case almost literally) in his first two verses, the first of which is appended to this article. While it is true that Nostradamus claimed in 1555 to have burned all of the occult works in his library, no one can say exactly what books were destroyed in this fire.
Only in the 17th century did people start to notice his reliance on earlier, mainly classical sources.
Nostradamus's reliance on historical precedent is reflected in the fact that he explicitly rejected the label "prophet" (i.e. a person having prophetic powers of his own) on several occasions:
Given this reliance on literary sources, it is unlikely that Nostradamus used any particular methods for entering a
trance state , other than contemplation ,
meditation and incubation. His sole description of this process is contained in letter 41 of his collected Latin correspondence. The popular legend that he attempted the ancient methods of flame gazing, water gazing or both simultaneously is based on a naive reading of his first two verses, which merely liken his efforts to those of the Delphic and Branchidic oracles . The first of these is reproduced at the bottom of this article and the second can be seen by visiting the relevant facsimile site (see External Links). In his dedication to King Henri II, Nostradamus describes "emptying my soul, mind and heart of all care, worry and unease through mental calm and tranquility", but his frequent references to the "bronze tripod" of the Delphic rite are usually preceded by the words "as though" (compare, once again, External References to the original quatrains

Content of the quatrains

Most of the quatrains deal with disasters, such as plagues, earthquakes, wars, floods, invasions, murders, droughts, and battles—all undated and based on foreshadowings by the Mirabilis Liber . Some quatrains cover these disasters in overall terms; others concern a single person or small group of people. Some cover a single town, others several towns in several countries.A major, underlying theme is an impending invasion of Europe by Muslim forces from farther east and south headed by the expected
Antichrist , directly reflecting the then-current Ottoman invasions and the earlier Saracen equivalents, as well as the prior expectations of the Mirabilis Liber .All of this is presented in the context of the supposedly imminent end of the world—even though this is not in fact mentioned—a conviction that sparked numerous collections of
end-time prophecies at the time, including an unpublished collection by
Christopher Columbus . Views on Nostradamus have varied widely throughout history. Academic views such as those of Jacques Halbronn regard Nostradamus's Prophecies as antedated forgeries written by later hands with a political axe to grind.

Popular claims

Many of Nostradamus's supporters believe that his prophecies are genuine.Owing to the subjective nature of these interpretations, however, no two of them completely agree on exactly what Nostradamus predicted, whether for the past or for the future. Many supporters, however, do agree, for example, that he predicted the Great Fire of London , the French Revolution , and the rises of
Napoleon and Adolf Hitler , both
world wars , and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Popular authors frequently claim that he predicted whatever major event had just happened at the time of each book's publication, such as the Apollo moon landings in 1969, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, the
death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997, and the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. This 'movable feast' aspect appears to be characteristic of the genre. 
Possibly the first of these books to become popular in English was Henry C. Roberts' The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus of 1947, reprinted at least seven times during the next forty years, which contained both transcriptions and translations, with brief commentaries. This was followed in 1961 (reprinted in 1982) by Edgar Leoni's Nostradamus and His Prophecies . After that came Erika Cheetham 's The Prophecies of Nostradamus , incorporating a reprint of the posthumous 1568 edition, which was reprinted, revised and republished several times from 1973 onwards, latterly as The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus . This served as the basis for the documentary The Man Who Saw Tomorrow and both did indeed mention possible generalised future attacks on New York (via nuclear weapons), though not specifically on the World Trade Center or on any particular date. 
A two-part translation of Jean-Charles de Fontbrune's Nostradamus: historien et prophète was published in 1980, and John Hogue has published a number of books on Nostradamus from about 1987, including Nostradamus and the Millennium: Predictions of the Future ,
Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies (1999) and Nostradamus: A Life and Myth (2003). In 1992 one commentator who claimed to be able to contact Nostradamus under hypnosis even had him "interpreting" his own verse X.6 (a prediction specifically about floods in southern France around the city of Nîmes and people taking refuge in its
collosse , or Colosseum, a Roman amphitheatre now known as the
Arènes) as a prediction of an undated
attack on the Pentagon , despite the historical seer's clear statement in his dedicatory letter to King Henri II that his prophecies were about Europe, North Africa and part of Asia Minor.
With the exception of Roberts, these books and their many popular imitators were almost unanimous not merely about Nostradamus's powers of prophecy but also in inventing intriguing aspects of his purported biography: that he had been a descendant of the Israelite tribe of Issachar; he had been educated by his grandfathers, who had both been physicians to the court of
Good King René of Provence ; he had attended Montpellier University in 1525 to gain his first degree; after returning there in 1529, he had successfully taken his medical doctorate; he had gone on to lecture in the Medical Faculty there, until his views became too unpopular; he had supported the
heliocentric view of the universe; he had travelled to the Habsburg Netherlands, where he had composed prophecies at the abbey of Orval; in the course of his travels, he had performed a variety of prodigies, including identifying future Pope, Sixtus V , who was then only a seminary monk. He is credited with having successfully cured the Plague at Aix-en-Provence and elsewhere; he had engaged in scrying , using either a magic mirror or a bowl of water; he had been joined by his secretary Chavigny at Easter 1554; having published the first installment of his Propheties, he had been summoned by Queen Catherine de' Medici to Paris in 1556 to discuss with her his prophecy at quatrain I.35 that her husband King Henri II would be killed in a duel; he had examined the royal children at Blois ; he had bequeathed to his son a "lost book" of his own prophetic paintings; he had been buried standing up; and he had been found, when dug up at the French Revolution, to be wearing a medallion bearing the exact date of his disinterment. This was first recorded by Samuel Pepys as early as 1667 , long before the French Revolution . Pepys records in his celebrated diary a legend that, before his death, Nostradamus made the townsfolk swear that his grave would never be disturbed; but that 60 years later his body was exhumed, whereupon a brass plaque was found on his chest correctly stating the date and time when his grave would be opened and cursing the exhumers. [65]
In 2000, Li Hongzhi claimed that the 1999 prophecy at X.72 was a prediction of the Chinese Falun Gong persecution which began in July of 1999, leading to an increased interest in Nostradamus among Falun Gong members. 

Scholarly rebuttal

From the 1980s onwards, however, an academic reaction set in, especially in France. The publication in 1983 of Nostradamus's private correspondence and, during succeeding years, of the original editions of 1555 and 1557 discovered by Chomarat and Benazra, together with the unearthing of much original archival material revealed that much that was claimed about Nostradamus did not fit the documented facts. The academics 
revealed that not one of the claims just listed was backed up by any known contemporary documentary evidence. Most of them had evidently been based on unsourced rumours relayed as fact by much later commentators, such as Jaubert (1656), Guynaud (1693) and Bareste (1840), on modern misunderstandings of the 16th-century French texts, or on pure invention. Even the often-advanced suggestion that quatrain I.35 had successfully prophesied King Henri II's death did not actually appear in print for the first time until 1614, 55 years after the event. 
Skeptics such as James Randi suggest that his reputation as a prophet is largely manufactured by modern-day supporters who fit his words to events that have either already occurred or are so imminent as to be inevitable, a process sometimes known as "retroactive clairvoyance" (postdiction). No Nostradamus quatrain is known to have been interpreted as predicting a specific event before it occurred, other than in vague, general terms that could equally apply to any number of other events. This even applies to quatrains that contain specific dates, such as III.77, which predicts "in 1727, in October, the king of Persia [shall be] captured by those of Egypt"—a prophecy that has, as ever, been interpreted retrospectively in the light of later events, in this case as though it presaged the known peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and
Persia of that year; Egypt was also an important Ottoman territory at this time. Similarly, Nostradamus's notorious '1999' prophecy at X.72 (see
Nostradamus in popular culture ) describes no event that commentators have succeeded in identifying either before or since, other than by dint of twisting the words to fit whichever of the many contradictory happenings they are keen to claim as 'hits'. Moreover, no quatrain suggests, as is often claimed by books and films on the alleged Mayan Prophecy , that the world would end in December 2012. In his preface to the Prophecies , Nostradamus himself stated that his prophecies extend 'from now to the year 3797' —an extraordinary date which, given that the preface was written in 1555, may have more than a little to do with the fact that 2242 (3797 − 1555) had recently been proposed by his major astrological source Richard Roussat as a possible date for the end of the world. [78][79]
Additionally, scholars have pointed out that almost all English translations of Nostradamus's quatrains are of extremely poor quality, seem to display little or no knowledge of 16th-century French, are tendentious, and are sometimes intentionally altered in order to make them fit whatever events the translator believed they were supposed to refer (or vice versa). None of them were based on the original editions: Roberts had based his writings on that of 1672, Cheetham and Hogue on the posthumous edition of 1568. Even Leoni accepted on page 115 that he had never seen an original edition, and on earlier pages he indicated that much of his biographical material was unsourced. 

None of this research and criticism was originally known to most of the English-language commentators, by dint of the dates when they were writing and, to some extent, the language in which it was written. [83] Hogue was in a position to take advantage of it, but it was only in 2003 that he accepted that some of his earlier biographical material had in fact been apocryphal. Meanwhile, some of the more recent sources listed (Lemesurier, Gruber, Wilson) have been particularly scathing about later attempts by some lesser-known authors and Internet enthusiasts to extract alleged hidden meanings from the texts, whether with the aid of anagrams, numerical codes, graphs or otherwise. 

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