Saturday 27 May 2017

Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu’s brother shows foreign journalist weapons made by Biafran engineers [PHOTOS]

A foreign journalist, Katrin Gaensles has visited the site where weapons used by Biafran soldiers were displayed.
The Deutsche journalist and writer was taken around Owerri, Imo State to observe the weapons by Nnamdi Kanu’s brother, Prince Meme.
Gaensles had earlier paid a visit to the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, at his Afara Ukwu home in Abia state, before visiting the site where the weapons used during the Biafran war were displayed.
Some of the home-made weapons included the multi-barrel ogbunigwe, anti-personnel land mines, improvised explosive devices, Ojukwu anti-mines (made like vehicle hydraulic jack), and anti-tank mines, for trucks, tanks and armoured personnel carriers.
Also displayed were long range rocket launcher, anti aircraft missile, bunker cracker launch system, short range round steel ogbunigwe, Ojukwu air launch weapon system (air drop bomb), Ojukwu mortar, Ojukwu bucket and others.

Friday 26 May 2017

Ex-British lawmaker explains why he claimed President Buhari is dead

- Eric Joyce explains why he claimed President Buhari is dead

- Joyce said no one has seen or heard from the President since he left for UK

- He urged the presidency to provide proof of life

Ex-British lawmaker Eric Joyce continues to raise dust over the health of President Muhammadu Buhari as he listed reasons why he claimed the president is dead.

Recall that had earlier reported that Joyce tweeted that president Buhari is dead and went further to offer his condolences to Aisha Buhari, the wife of the president.
Joyce, in a post he made on his website on Friday, May 26, explains why he made his controversial tweet about the president alleged demise.

He said: "Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, was last seen by people other than his own staff in early May.

“According to his staff, he handed over ‘co-ordinating power’ to his Vice President and headed to London for medical treatment.

“Shortly beforehand, he had returned from around two months in London, also apparently receiving medical treatment there.

“His staff now say that he will soon return to Nigeria, but he may then return shortly thereafter to London for more medical treatment.

“For three weeks, the presidency has failed to prove any evidence that Mr Buhari is still with us.

“There has been no detail at all about Mr Buhari’s condition.

“Photographs, obviously historical ones, depicting Mr Buhari apparently in rude health have been provided to media outlets in Nigeria.

“Some Nigerian outlets have provided largely nonsensical quotes from ‘inside’ the London High Commission where they claim Mr Buhari is recuperating.

“Nigeria is a vibrant, growing and increasingly powerful democracy; the transition of power between Mr Buhari and his predecessor Goodluck Jonathan was exemplary – indeed it was of historical importance for the whole of Africa.

“There is only one course of action for a democracy when a president becomes ill or dies; officials must brief the public on the medical condition of the president and if it does not seem that he is likely to be able to continue in the role then power must pass formally to the Vice President.

“The present state of play is having the effect of suggesting that nothing has changed in Nigeria and actually this is not correct. Things have changed and Nigerian democracy is all the better for it.

“There is a contested politics now – but that cuts both ways and the APC must not now resort to the ‘old ways’ that party was created to consign to the past.

“There are only a small number of alternatives in respect of the present scenario. First, Mr Buhari is recuperating and will resume his role.

“If this is the case, then why is not presenting himself on camera to his people? Second, Mr Buhari has passed on.

“However, no death certificate appears to have been issued.

“Third, Mr Buhari’s officials are allowing the impression to be created that he may have passed on in order to produce him frail but alive, as they did a month or so ago.

“This in turn may provide more time to manage the succession when and if he does pass on by making reports of his death then less credible.

“Finally, Mr Buhari may be so incapacitated as to be unable to resume his role. Actual death in these circumstances is – in respect of a president’s role – academic. Machines can give the appearance of a life preserved even though there is no real living – and certainly no governing – going on.

“At present, a murky combination of the last two possibilities above seem most likely. In other words, officials and those in the know are working behind the scenes to organise a succession.

“This may seem to make sense from an administrative point of view, but it is profoundly undemocratic.

“The point of Nigeria’s complex system of electing a president and administration is to ensure that the Nigerian people openly choose a workable and representative government.

“This is the opposite from what appears to be going on at present. Of course, it is unfortunate that for the second time in succession a northern Muslim seems certain to be replaced as president by his southern Christian deputy. But that is democracy.

“Perhaps Nigerian democracy is not able to navigate this new crisis. It is certainly true that foreign countries are much more interested in the stability of the north and the continuation of Nigeria as a single polity than the existence of a Nigerian democracy of itself."

Meanwhile, the presidency has since responded to Joyce's allegations that President Buhari is dead.

In a series of tweets by Buhari’s spokesperson, Garba Shehu, the presidency described the information as plain lies spread by vested interests to create panic.

Buhari’s death will disintegrate the APC – PPA Chieftain

A former chieftain of the Progressives Peoples Alliance (PPA), Ndukwe Ikoh, has said that the death of Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari, will end APC’s existence. 

The former House of Representative member said the Buhari is the ‘tiny string’ keeping the APC. 

He said, as published by Daily Post, “No one can operate with the PDP the way it is now. I look at APC as a big balloon being held with a tiny string and that string is Buhari; that is why we are praying that nothing happens to him.

“If anything happens to the president, APC will break into splinters and that is the truth. Some people say that with or without Buhari, APC will stand, but that is a lie.”

“As a politician that has been around for a long time, I knew that the Igbo would gravitate towards APC and I also know that there would be issues of leadership.

“The reason for the movement is because the main opposition political party, which is the PDP, does not exist in full and it has made it very easy for people to leave.

“The crisis in PDP is not a good sign for Nigeria. I want to use this opportunity to ask those at the helm of affairs in PDP to put the party in order as soon as possible; otherwise we would be left with only one option.

 “And when we are left with only one option, we are left with no option in 2019. They should learn from their mistakes and make amends. PDP’s crisis has benefited the APC immensely.

“There are people who are moving into the APC not because there is anything to gain, but they are afraid that the PDP may not come out of its crisis before 2019. It is not because there is anything fantastic about the APC.

R.I.P: Photos From Late Actor Pastor Ajidara’s Burial Ceremony

Nollywood actor, Samuel Adesanya a.k.a Pastor Ajidara who died of kidney failure at the age of 63 on May 7,2017; has been finally laid to rest. Friends and loved ones gathered in Abeokuta, Ogun State, for Pastor Ajidara’s burial ceremony, and also to pay him their last respects.

Trump and other leaders clash on trade, climate at G7 - Tribune

LEADERS from the world’s major industrialized nations began talks on Friday at a G7 summit in Sicily which is expected to expose deep divisions with US President Donald Trump over trade and climate change.

The two-day summit, at a cliff-top hotel overlooking the Mediterranean, began a day after Trump blasted NATO allies for spending too little on defense and described Germany’s trade surplus as “very bad” in a meeting with EU officials in Brussels.

After receiving warm receptions in Saudi Arabia and Israel, Trump’s confrontational stance with long-standing partners in Europe cast a cloud over the meeting in Taormina, where leaders are due to discuss terrorism, Syria, North Korea and the global economy.
“No doubt, this will be the most challenging G7 summit in years,” Donald Tusk, a former Polish prime minister who chairs summits of European Union leaders, said before the meeting.

White House economic adviser Gary Cohn predicted “robust” discussions on trade and climate.

Trump was elected in November after a campaign in which he rejected many of the tenets that the Group of Seven has stood for, including free trade, multilateralism and the liberal democratic values.

European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and new French President Emmanuel Macron, had hoped to use the summit to convince Trump to soften some of his stances.

But diplomats conceded as the talks began that the United States was unlikely to budge, meaning the final communique could be watered down significantly compared to the one the G7 unveiled at its last summit in Japan.

The summit kicked off with a ceremony at an ancient Greek theater overlooking the sea, where war ships patrolled the sparkling blue waters. Nine fighter jets soared into the sky above Taormina, leaving a trail of smoke in the red-white-green colors of the Italian flag.

The leaders then adjourned to the San Domenico Palace, a one-time Dominican monastery that is now a luxury 5-star hotel. During World War Two, it housed Nazi air force chiefs.

Italy chose to stage the summit in Sicily to draw attention to Africa, which is 140 miles (225 km) from the island at its closest point across the Mediterranean.

More than half a million migrants, most from sub-Saharan Africa, have reached Italy by boat since 2014, taking advantage of the chaos in Libya to launch their perilous crossings.

But trade and climate, to be discussed on Friday afternoon, are the most contentious issues.

Trump, who dismissed human-made global warming as a “hoax” during his election campaign, is threatening to pull the United States out of a 2015 climate deal clinched in Paris in 2015.

Fellow G7 leaders are trying to convince him to stay in. Cohn and other administration officials have said Trump will wait until after the summit to decide.

“This is the first real opportunity that the international community has to force the American administration to begin to show its hand, particularly on environment policy,” said Tristen Naylor, a lecturer on development at the University of Oxford and deputy director of the G20 Research Group.

On Thursday in Brussels, with NATO leaders standing alongside him, Trump accused members of the military alliance of owing “massive amounts of money” to the United States and NATO – even though allied contributions are voluntary.

The remarks went down badly with European leaders, who had hoped Trump would use the opportunity to confirm his commitment to Article 5, the core NATO principle that an attack on one member is viewed as an attack on all.

“When an American president cannot commit clearly to Article 5 at a time when everyone is expecting him to do this then there is the risk that Moscow interprets this as meaning it is no longer valid,” said Jan Techau of the American Academy in Berlin.

In a private meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Trump also denounced the German trade surplus as “very bad” and complained about the large number of German cars being sold in the United States, officials said.

Juncker tried to play down the comments ahead of the summit. But they underscored ongoing policy divisions between Trump and his partners four months after he took office.
Trump is attending his first major international summit but is not the only G7 newcomer. Macron, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni and British Prime Minister Theresa May will also be attending the elite club for the first time.

May is expected to leave a day early, following Monday’s suicide bombing at a concert in northern England that killed 22 people carried out by a suspected Islamist militant of Libyan descent who grew up in Britain.

G7 leaders were expected to issue a separate statement on terrorism on Friday, before issuing their formal communique on Saturday. Italian officials have suggested the final communique will be shorter than 10 pages. At the last G7 summit in Japan it totaled 32 pages.
One country that will not be present is Russia. It was expelled from the group in 2014 following its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Trump called for improved ties with Moscow during his election campaign.
But accusations from US intelligence agencies that Russia intervened in the US election to help Trump, and investigations into his campaign’s contacts with Russian officials, have hung over his four-month-old presidency and prevented him from getting too close to Moscow.

On Thursday, the Washington Post and NBC News reported that Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner was under scrutiny by the FBI because of his meetings with Russian officials before Trump took office. One of Kushner’s attorneys said her client would cooperate with the investigation.

Kushner and his wife, Trump’s daughter Ivanka, have returned to Washington after accompanying the president for the first part of his first foreign tour.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Keep hoping Buhari is alive- Eric Stuart Joyce

A former British parliamentarian and military officer, Eric Stuart Joyce has again told Nigerians that it was normal in a democratic setting to continue hoping that the President is alive.

He has of recent been dropping hints about the alleged death of Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari.

The ex-lawmaker had during the weekend condoled with Nigeria and Buhari’s immediate family over the reported death of the President.


APC resolves to hold convention without Buhari

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has resolved to hold their convention without President Buhari.

According to Punch, the party’s National Working Committee (NWC) took the decision on Wednesday, May 24,2017.

They NWC also mandated some of its members to meet Acting President Yemi Osinbajo to pick a date for the convention.

Speaking to newsmen after the meeting, the Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong said since Buhari is not in Nigeria, Osinbajo will represent him.

Lalong also said “The issue of the National Convention was raised. Actually, it was part of the decisions we took at the last meeting. Unfortunately, like you realised, Mr. President is not here; he is the leader of the party.
“What we did was that we now have an acting President. So, the team was supposed to meet with Mr President with a suggested date that is convenient so that he could decide on the convention.
 “But today, we all agreed that we have an acting President; the same process should start again through the acting President.”

President Muhammadu Buhari is currently in London receiving treatment for an undisclosed ailment.

There have been several unconfirmed reports saying that the President is dead.


Wednesday 24 May 2017

Trump commits $300m to fight famine in Africa

US President Donald Trump told Pope Francis on Wednesday he was committing more than $ 300 m (270 million euros ) to help prevent or tackle famine in Yemen and several countries in Africa .
Trump , meeting the pontiff for the first time , said he had “ renewed” the US “ commitment to fighting global famine ” , with the United Nations warning that about 20 million people across Nigeria , Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen are at risk.
The UN has described the situation as the biggest humanitarian crisis in its history, but donor funding is falling far short .
It appealed earlier this month for $ 4 . 4 bn , but said less than a third had been raised.
“ As he ( Trump) relayed at the Vatican, the United States is proud to announce more than $ 300 million in anti - famine spending” for the area , a White House statement said .
His announcement came just a day after the US State Department laid out plans to put “ America first ” and slash Washington ’ s budget for diplomacy and foreign aid by more than 30 percent.
The deepest cuts will hit foreign assistance programmes and contributions by the world ’ s largest economy to international organisations like the United Nations and its global peacekeeping budget .

Tax Fraud: Leo Messi and Father Sent to Jail by Supreme Court

Spain’s Supreme Court on Wednesday confirmed a 21-month jail sentence and 2.09-million-euro ($2.25 million) fine imposed on Lionel Messi for tax fraud, months after the Barcelona football star lodged an appeal.
The Argentina international and his father Jorge Horacio Messi were in July 2016 found guilty of using companies in Belize, Britain, Switzerland and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on 4.16 million euros of Messi’s income earned from his image rights from 2007-09.

The income related to Messi’s image rights that was hidden includes endorsement deals with Danone, Adidas, Pepsi-Cola, Procter & Gamble and the Kuwait Food Company.
Both Messi and his father were given 21 months in jail — sentences likely to be suspended as is common in Spain for first offences for non-violent crimes carrying a sentence of less than two years.

They appealed to the Supreme Court. While the court confirmed the sentence for Messi on Wednesday, it reduced it to 15 months jail for his father, taking into account that his football star son had paid back the defrauded money to tax authorities.

During last year’s trial, Messi had argued that he trusted his father with his finances and “knew nothing” about how his wealth was managed.

But the Supreme Court argued that he would have known about his obligation to pay taxes on income earned from his image rights.

Messi’s tax fraud trial in June last year took place against a backdrop of simmering voter anger over steep cuts to health and social spending, as the government struggles to bring Spain’s public deficit down.

LAUTECH students protest, blast Aregbesola, Ajimobi over incessant strike

Amalgam of students of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology(LAUTECH) on Wednesday berated the governments of Osun and Oyo for their seeming insensitivity over their plights as lecturers in the university embarked on another turn of strike. The students who staged a peaceful protest within Osogbo metropolis, lamented the psychological trauma they have been subjected to […]


Tuesday 23 May 2017

BREAKING: I Will Crush Northern Coup Plotters With My Bare Hands, Because It Is My Turn To Become President – Tinubu Explodes

The embattled National Leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, Bola Tinubu, has vowed to crush any Military coup plot, against the current administration.

Tinubu who many believe is making desperate efforts to contest the 2019 Presidency, made this known when he addressed members of the Lagos State House of Assembly, on Monday.
Recall, that the Chief of Army Staff, TY Burutai, had last week raised an alarm, that some Politicians are hobnobbing with some to Army Officers, to over throw the Federal Government of President Muhamamdu Buhari and Prof. Yemi Osinbajo.

Report making rounds revealed that some of the alleged coup plotters, are from the Northern part of the country, who do not want power to swing to the South, due to Buhari’s dwindling health status.

While speaking, Tinubu warned the Military that: “there is no place for them in Lagos, and in the country”.

“We will not buy it. Lagos will resist it. Nigeria is hard to be broken. Many died to get this democracy, and those who intend to break it are mistaken. Nigerians will not buy a coup now."

“You will have no fertile ground to plant the seed in Lagos. It is a bad product, and I can assure you that we will reject it. Lagos will resist any form of action that plans to end the democracy we clamour for.”

 More later…

BREAKING: Nationwide Tears As UK Officer Announces Buhari's Death In London, Lawmaker Tenders Evidence

A former United Kingdom Parliamentarian and Retired Military officer, Eric Joyce, has announced the death of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The ex-Lawmaker reiterated the President’s death in a new article published on his website,, where he said if the President is not dead as he had earlier alarmed, he should be proved wrong by the President or his Doctors.
Eric Joyce, had in a series of tweets alleged that Buhari had died in London, on the 19th May, 2017.

Joyce in the series of tweets, disclosed that it was very sad to hear the news of the death of Buhari, who he campaigned and supported during the 2015 elections in Nigeria.

“Very sad to learn hear of the death of President Buhari, whom I campaigned for.
“Thoughts with his wife @aishambuhari and family. #buhari”, he tweeted.

“I wrote this yesterday about President Buhari of Nigeria. There’s been a lot of interest in the blog in Nigeria. I’ll answer a few of the key points raised, here.”

“First, if you’re a president then it’s up to you to show people you’re alive and well – it’s not up to your people to prove the opposite. Every politician in the world knows this. A statement from a PR guy doesn’t cut it. Angry ripostes from supporters don’t cut it. Only your personal appearance cuts it.”

“Second, if your’e a president and you’re not well, then a doctor needs to come out of the hospital and explain to your nation what’s up. This let’s everyone, including your people and the markets, know if your alive at all, alive enough to recover or have just sprained an ankle.
“Unless these things apply, then there will be shenanigans. For example, a dead person will be kept hooked up to a machine and advisers, politicians, traders, all the people ‘in the know’ will be jockeying for position and none of the regular people of the country will know anything about it. Nigerians have done themselves proud on the democratic front in the last few years; this is no time to start accepting bullshit again.”

SOURCE: Post-nigeria .com

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