Friday 3 February 2017

U.S. warns North Korea of 'overwhelming' response if nuclear arms used

   U. S Defense Secretary James Mattis

U.S. President Donald Trump's defense secretary warned North Korea on Friday of an "effective and overwhelming" response if it chose to use nuclear weapons, as he reassured South Korea of steadfast U.S. support.

"Any attack on the United States, or our allies, will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons would be met with a response that would be effective and overwhelming," Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said at South Korea's defense ministry, at the end of a two-day visit.
Mattis' remarks come amid concern that North Korea could be readying to test a new ballistic missile, in what could be an early challenge for Trump's administration.

North Korea, which regularly threatens to destroy South Korea and its main ally, the United States, conducted more than 20 missile tests last year, as well as two nuclear tests, in defiance of U.N. resolutions and sanctions.

The North also appears to have also restarted operation of a reactor at its main Yongbyon nuclear facility that produces plutonium that can be used for its nuclear weapons program, according to the U.S. think-tank 38 North.

"North Korea continues to launch missiles, develop its nuclear weapons program and engage in threatening rhetoric and behavior," Mattis said.
North Korea's actions have prompted the United States and South Korea to respond by bolstering defenses, including the expected deployment of a U.S. missile defense system, known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), in South Korea later this year.
The two sides reconfirmed that commitment on Friday.

China, however, has objected to THAAD, saying it is a direct threat to China's own security and will do nothing to bring North Korea back to the negotiating table, leading to calls from some South Korean opposition leaders to delay or cancel it.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang reiterated China's opposition, which he said would never change.
"We do not believe this move will be conducive to resolving the Korean peninsula nuclear issue or to maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula," Lu told a daily news briefing in Beijing.

South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo said Mattis' visit to Seoul - his first trip abroad as defense secretary - sent a clear message of strong U.S. support.

"Faced with a current severe security situation, Secretary Mattis' visit to Korea ... also communicates the strongest warning to North Korea," Han said.

Once fully developed, a North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) could threaten the continental United States, which is about 9,000 km (5,500 miles) from North Korea. ICBMs have a minimum range of about 5,500 km (3,400 miles), but some are designed to travel 10,000 km (6,200 miles) or more.

Former U.S. officials and other experts have said the United States essentially has two options when it comes to trying to curb North Korea's fast-expanding nuclear and missile programs - negotiate or take military action.
Neither path offers certain success and the military option is fraught with huge dangers, especially for Japan and South Korea, U.S. allies in close proximity to North Korea.

Mattis is due in Japan later on Friday.

SOURCE: Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Editing by Nick Macfie, Robert Birsel (REUTERS)

Thursday 2 February 2017


Controversial Yoruba film promoter cum producer, Seun Egbegbe, was caught attempting to defraud a bureau de change operator of the sums of $9,000 and £3,000 about N10m on Thursday, police said.

The event occurred at the Gbagada General Hospital in Lagos in the early hours of Thursday.

Witnesses say Egbegbe allegedly disguised as the Managing Director of Gbagada general hospital while his accomplice, a certain Ayo Oyekan, came disguised as a patient.

He has since been arrested by policemen from the Area H command for allegedly defrauding some Bureau De Change (BDC) operators of about N10 million at Gbagada.

This incident would be the fourth time Mr. Egbegbe would be embroiled in an alleged theft scandal.

In December 2016, the accused was also allegedly involved in a robbery incident at the Computer Village in Lagos and he was almost lynched at for allegedly stealing 10 iPhones.

An Ikeja Magistrates’ Court, acting on a count charge of stealing, under Section 278 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011, remanded Egbegbe in prison custody at the time.

The producer, who was later granted bail of N1 million with two responsible sureties in like sum, traveled to Malaysia to cool off and returned recently.

A few months earlier he was also arrested at a GOTV dealer store in Ibadan for attempting to make away with some decoders.

With his previous trial adjourned to February 18, Egbegbe, it was gathered, went to Gbagada with some of his friends under the guise that he wanted to change some dollars.

A highly celebrated Yoruba filmmaker, Egbegbe’s romance with actress Toyin Aihmaku shot him into prominence as it made news headlines.
Egegbe and Toyin were almost inseparable. But today, both parties are sworn enemies and never see eye to eye.

In fact, his liaison with Ms. Aihmaku is said to be of the reasons why the actress rebranded and took on a new name, Toyin Abraham, in 2017.

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